Yesterday, I was sitting in the Austin airport waiting for a flight home.  There was an announcement over the intercom that brought everyone to their feet.  Southwest Airlines made the announcement that 107 year old Veteran, Richard Overton, would be coming down the gateway to catch a flight to Washington, DC.  Today, Monday, November 11, 2013, he is attending a special ceremony honored by the President of the United States.  

The announcer requested that everyone stand and applaud Mr. Overton’s presence. The experience was overwhelming and emotional for me, as I watched a family member wheel Overton through the airport.  Everyone stood and applauded with great reception. This gentleman bowed his head to receive the admiration and respect of his fellow patriots. It was clear that even the younger generation of travelers understood that something of great value was happening.

Richard Arvine Overton served in World War II out of the respect he had for his country.  He saw many of his fellow soldiers fall in the line of duty and even more die over the following decades. Overton is believed to be the nation's oldest veteran. He was traveling to Washington, D.C., as part of “Honor Flight,” a nonprofit group that transports veterans free of charge to memorials dedicated to their service.

I will never forget the feeling of pride that I had, as I stood with my fellow Americans, in honor of one man’s commitment to protect his country.  The halls were filled with respect as he slowly passed by us and my heart was touched by the level of humility and integrity present.  

Today, may we remember our Veterans and all American Soldiers; it’s through their willingness to lay down their lives for freedom and democracy that we walk our streets in peace and harmony.  Without their watchful eye, this country would not find rest in a world filled with chaos.  Linda Sumner Urza, written for: 

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