I went to Walmart yesterday to check out some of the labels and almost everything is made outside this country; even many of our food products! "Our Family," brand of mandarin oranges says right on the can, "Made in China", but right next to it on the shelves was the USA brand, "Liberty Gold" and "Dole" which are grown and canned in California!
Do you realize that none of the countries exporting products are subject to the food regulations or inspections required in this country? They use toxic chemicals and are often exporting inferior products into our country, including toys that our children play with daily (many are found with traces of mercury, copper and toxic substances that are at dangerous levels).
A survey taken showed 70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges with China should be suspended! The best way to suspend these privileges is not to wait for our government to do something, but for all Americans to stop buying any products that are not made in the USA. It only takes seconds to check a label on a product; a simple step to learn where it's made and shipped from. Please make a big difference in this country by making a few simple changes. Look on the bottom of every product you buy and if it says "Made in China" or "PRC", (including Hong Kong) simply choose another brand or go without (you won't miss it).
Seriously, if 200 million Americans refuse to buy just $20.00 of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance in our favor... and it will be reflected overnight!
"Prosperity begins at home! Let's rebuild America, one day at a time, by supporting American made products. We'll start a powerful wave that will radiate a significant message. "The people of America have a voice and that voice will determine the future of this country!" Please pass this on and maybe one fine day we will find that our country, once again, is a prosperous nation. by, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
'Made in America' Pledge: What is American-Made in Your Home?
'ABC World News' and Diane Sawyer Want to Hear From You
In the global trade battle, you cast a vote every time you open your wallet. The decision? Whether you spend your money on products made in America or overseas.
In the coming weeks, "ABC World News with Diane Sawyer" is launching a groundbreaking series, "Made in America," focusing on American manufacturing and our economy.
The facts show that our nation is addicted to imports. In 1960, foreign goods made up just 8 percent of Americans' purchases. Today, nearly 60 percent of everything we buy is made overseas.
On air and online, we'll tackle the key questions: Is buying American-made more expensive? What staples are no longer manufactured in the U.S. at all? And what difference would it make if everyone promised to buy more American-made products?
There's no question that manufacturing still has a major impact on our economy and on the nation's workforce. The United States has fewer manufacturing jobs now than we did in 1941, the same year as the attack on Pearl Harbor, but if every American spent an extra $3.33 on U.S.-made goods, it would create almost 10,000 new jobs in this country.
Take our 'Made in America' Challenge
So as we launch our series, we want you to join us in the challenge, and we want to hear what you learn along the way. What products are you purchasing or have purchased in the past that are Made in America? How are they different from what you bought before? And what's it like to pay closer attention to where your groceries, clothing, and other goods are coming from?
Great post. Thanks for sharing. You are right on point.
ReplyDeleteJust remember... every time you hear the 'beep' (checkout-stand), you're voting.
is it just me or is this more "new math" 200 million multiplied by 20 equals 4 billion not 1 billion. I'm confused....
ReplyDeleteKevin, thanks for your input. The figure of one billion come from factoring in wholesale to retail and the cost of providing the products. In most cases profit is less than one- third in this sluggish economy, sad but true; too many hands in the pie, but nevertheless it's profit!
ReplyDeleteHelp us all by making a list of things made in America - including foods grown in America....