How you voted this past election may have put the future of your salvation in jeopardy, and I suggest not taking that lightly. The next destination, after this life, is to establish ones accountability with God the Almighty. Your vote cast on November 6, is a perfect indication of ones beliefs and what they sustain and support in this life!
This past week, I learned many things about the people of this country and about those who would do anything for power. I am sure a majority of voters failed to realize they were signing death certificates when casting their votes.
I am a Christian and I am offended by the liberalism of these people! Offended that I am asked to tread lightly with my religious beliefs, as not to offend another person, while the perverted choices of the liberals are shoved down my throat. I am taking a stand, there is no question what I sustain!
The reign of liberalism has defiled the moral integrity of this country! Let me refresh your mind in what a liberal vote sustains, hidden among the smoke and mirrors, and in the name of democracy. Every signature on the Democrat ballot approved the deaths of approximately 1.37 million babies; each and every year in the Obama administration! Those signatures legalized the termination of life from fetus to full term 9 month babies! (A living soul literally ripped from the womb "at anytime" during pregnancy and pitched into the trash!) Any Christian who voted Democrat has taken upon themselves the blood and sins of this generation!
When signing the Democrat ballot, a person agrees to provide little boys, age 12, with condoms in middle school and little girls, age 12, free abortions without parental consent! Signing on the dotted line gave approval for prostitution of high school and college girls, by offering an abundance of free condoms and birth control pills -- as well as, promoting loose and lascivious behavior, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, murder of unborn children, marijuana, and every other impure and evil practice known to mankind. There is nothing Christian about these practices and if you think God approves of this behavior - it may be too late for you!
The principles of God are no where to be found within a Democratic platform. Over the years, liberals have embraced hostility toward God and have fought vigorously, from every angle, to eliminate His sacred name. A vote in their favor is a pledge to sustain the insatiable desire to destroy the good and defile the innocent. So, don’t ever tell me that the words "Christian and Democrat" belong in the same breath!
I completely washed my hands of the Democrats when they voted, three times, to remove God from their platform at the DNC! I knew at that moment what defined their party. Their blatant and conscious decision to keep God out is the preface of intrinsic evil. There will be an eternal consequence for their actions.
I am not ashamed of God, nor am I ashamed to say the truth. I am, however, ashamed of how far the people of this great nation have fallen, and I tremble for those who have lost their moral compass! The ramifications for intentionally deleting God are devastating! The ink has dried on the ballots; Heaven and Earth cannot erase the signatures of those who sustained this kind of evil.
There are many who will object to what I have written, but I don't care what you think, I care what God thinks. And, the next time you sit in church and bow your head in the name of God, I hope you take the time to repent for your actions in the decline of this great nation; even "One Nation Under God!"
Isaiah 5: 20: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! There is no place to hide the secret combinations of evil from the eyes of God.
I am sharing this information in hope that it may inspire change, for if you love God, you must know Him and His ways. If my appeal can save one person in the future from being beguiled by the Democratic party, then my words have been well spent. Its time to stand for God and for His plan of Salvation. By Linda Sumner Urza: onefineday11.blogspot.com