Isn’t it wonderful how we rally to protect our children from bullies? Without a second thought, we all lunge forward to stop this horrible act and demand accountability. "How dare anyone bully or discriminate against our children," we declare! “After all, what kind of examples would it be for future generations, if we allowed this kind of behavior to prevail?”
What is totally unacceptable for our children has become acceptable in the political arena. I am appalled at the level of bullying coming from left wing liberals and I consider it no less offensive than that perpetuated in third world countries. We expect our children to act accordingly, but we stand back while adult men and women, in the news media, verbally rape the great individuals serving our country!
Below I have listed just a few hateful statements that recently surfaced from the left wing. These examples are filthy, disgusting and demeaning to all women and reprehensible to those who stoop to this level!
Below I have listed just a few hateful statements that recently surfaced from the left wing. These examples are filthy, disgusting and demeaning to all women and reprehensible to those who stoop to this level!

Liberal democrat Bill Maher made sexist remarks against “all stay at home mothers” when he said, “Ann Romney has never gotten her ass out of the house to work!” It appears Maher is saying that women who choose to stay home and raise their children have less value than those who work outside the home? His comment is highly inflammatory and sexist, and I am personally offended by this level of discrimination. Perhaps Bill’s mother was not a stay at home mom when he was a little boy and that’s why his heart and conscience are five sizes too small!
The liberal left wingers challenged Chick-fil-A after the owner made a statement that he “supported family values." That’s when the feathers began to fly. Liberals asked everyone to ban Chick-fil-A, but their plan backfired. Thousands of good people, who were not chicken to stand up for their beliefs, came out in support. It wasn't long before the liberals flew the coop!
Left wing actor Jason Biggs tweeted sexual comments about Ann Romney and Janna Ryan. These statements were beyond filth! He was not terminated by the network nor reprimanded for these excessively obscene and offensive comments. He didn’t release an apology to these women or to the public, but then again, this is routine in the liberal world. Nothing is sacred in their political arena and everyone becomes a target... even your mother! If you don't mind being mopped up in the nasty left winged liberal rhetoric, then cast your vote in their favor.
Bullies come in all sizes and when a bully doesn’t get their way, they resort to name calling, lies, and false accusations. They attempt to discredited the integrity of others by viciously attacking the opposing team. You see, bullies can’t run on their own merit and good deeds; the only way to make themselves look better is by attempting to by drag their opponents down.
Today, Obama called Romney a liar among other things. I am shocked to hear the President of the United States resort to this level of communication. It sets a poor example to the youth of this country and shows that Obama cannot stand on his own principles or merit. Obama stated without hesitation, “When you don’t have anything against your opponent, you discredit him.”
I watched the debate October 3, not once but twice, and Romney explained in detail and with clarity his plans to lift this nation out of poverty and debt. His words were exceptionally honest and sincere. My conclusion, "It was very apparent that Obama didn't want Romney to confuse him with the facts - he'd already made up his mind!"
A true man of integrity doesn't need to lie, resort to name calling or bully the opposing team! The truth works for him and not against him. A true man of integrity manifests his worth through actions and good deeds, and provides leadership for all of the people!
Written by Linda Sumner Urza,
Please share this information with others. "The only way to stop discrimination and bullying is to unveil its ignorance." LSU
Today, Obama called Romney a liar among other things. I am shocked to hear the President of the United States resort to this level of communication. It sets a poor example to the youth of this country and shows that Obama cannot stand on his own principles or merit. Obama stated without hesitation, “When you don’t have anything against your opponent, you discredit him.”
I watched the debate October 3, not once but twice, and Romney explained in detail and with clarity his plans to lift this nation out of poverty and debt. His words were exceptionally honest and sincere. My conclusion, "It was very apparent that Obama didn't want Romney to confuse him with the facts - he'd already made up his mind!"
A true man of integrity doesn't need to lie, resort to name calling or bully the opposing team! The truth works for him and not against him. A true man of integrity manifests his worth through actions and good deeds, and provides leadership for all of the people!
Written by Linda Sumner Urza,
Please share this information with others. "The only way to stop discrimination and bullying is to unveil its ignorance." LSU