The grass appears to look greener on the other side until you get there and realize that it's not grass at all, only a bunch of weeds. Tend to the garden you planted at home, you will reap the harvest of a beautiful yield and be happy with the fruits of your labors. Don't be lured in by faults temptations and cheep imitation when you already have the real deal waiting for you at home.
Chocolate Coated Impostors are everywhere...
I don’t know if I can keep this deep dark secret from my husband any longer. It all started so innocently one day when I was on my way to the 7-11 convenience store to get a power drink. I was walking down the candy isle when I heard a neatly wrapped dark chocolate candy bar calling out to me and I couldn’t resist the sugar highs. I tried to ignore his sweet advances, but he looked so handsomely delicious in that colorful shiny wrapper with the bright label.
At first I was flattered that any candy bar would take the time to look my way, but then I became infatuated with his sweet dark whisperings in my sugar starved ears. It was plain to see that our feelings were mutual and although he was not a Big Hunk, I couldn’t resist his sweet flirtations!
He introduced himself as Mr. Goodbar and his complements were flowing from his nutty center like a chocolate melting melody and I was caught up in the magic of the moment. His words were beguiling as he tempted me with his pure refined sugar and cocoa bean extract, but I yielded to Mr. Goodbar’s affections.
Immediately, I thought about my wonderful husband waiting patiently at home for me to return. He had trusted me to go straight to the coolers for a power drink and here I was alone in the candy isle, with this sweet temptation! I turned to leave and that’s when Mr. Goodbar called me his sugar momma. I could see that his outer layer of chocolate was melting with affection for me.
What was happening? I thought. I was so ashamed, I grabbed my power drink, slapped my money on the counter and ran out of the store. When I got home my husband was waiting up for me and I could tell he had sugar suspicions in the back of his mind. When he asked what had taken me so long, I lied to him!
What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t tell him the truth, he would be heart broken if he found out I was alone in the candy isle with this thin, dark chocolate stranger, so I hid the ugly truth! That night I couldn’t sleep because of this dark and sticky situation I had gotten myself into. My family and friends would be disappointed and heart broken when they found out about my dark secret.
The next day I found myself driving straight to the 7-11, I was having a sugar rush from a cinnamon roll I had for breakfast and it weakened my resistance. I don’t know why I would let this cheep dark imitation override my common sense, but again I found myself in the candy isle at the 7-11.
My heart was fluttering as I walked down the isle and then I heard his familiar whispers calling for me. I slowly turn around and noticed my charming chocolate coated friend sitting on the top shelf directly in front of me.
We were almost eye to wrapper when I heard the “snickers” of all the other candy bars in the isle.
“Did you tell them about us?” I said in a frustrated tone.
The snicker didn’t stop and they began taunting me with their 220 calories and 32 fat grams! The pressure was intense and coming at me from all directions like jelly bellies from the chamber of a gun. They were throwing chocolate kisses at me and I felt cheep and ashamed! What kind of a girl did they think I was? This was only my second time in the candy isle and already I was getting a reputation for being a trashy sweet tooth.
Just then I heard the voice of my husband, who was standing only a few feet away from me and Mr. Goodbar!
“What are you doing here in the candy isle, I thought you always went straight to the cooler for a health power drink?”
I bit my bottom lip and I was praying that Mr. Goodbar and his friends would keep their chocolate comments to themselves!
“Ah, ummm, I was just passing through the candy isle on my way to the coolers for a power drink! What are you doing here?”
He looked at me with his loving eyes, but somewhere deep inside, I could tell he knew something wasn’t right. It broke my heart to see the look on his face and then he spoke with powerful words that were not sugarcoated.
“I was worried about you. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and it’s not worth losing our family over this cheep imitating and sugar high!”
My chin dropped and my eyes stared at the floor. I was ashamed that I had let myself fall to this level. I could lose the love and respect of my husband and my sugar baby's who were waiting at home for me - all because of the dark side of chocolate! I couldn’t speak and tried to hide within my sugar denial, but then my faithful husband broke the dark silence.
“I bought you a chocolate cheese cake and it’s in the car. Sweetheart, let’s go home.”
He wrapped his arms around me and we started to leave the store when we noticed a young woman walking down the candy isle on her way to the chips and crackers. Then we heard the infamous Mr. Goodbar calling out to her with his dark temptations. I got a sick feeling in the pit if my stomach. My husband was right, Mr. Goodbar was a cheep imitation of the real deal and I was just another pretty face in the isle at the 7-11! by, Linda Sumner Urza