Seeing Beyond The Walls.

It's important to have gratitude in all things.  Even through the trials in life there is a divine purpose for developing gratitude, but it requires faith.  Faith is the virtue that allows us to building the spiritual muscles to stand before God and gratitude is the home where all virtues safely reside.

Many years ago I was driving to work when Paul Harvey came on the radio station.  Mr. Harvey's commentaries have graced the airwaves for decades; bringing the finest journalism into the hearts of millions.  On this particular morning he was narrating a story about positive thoughts and actions versus the negative in the lives of two men.   

The men were both recovering from surgeries and sharing the same room in the hospital.  One man had a bed by the window and the other was on the opposite side of the room.  As days passed by, the man next to the window could feel the despair and unhappiness of his roommate.  He felt compelled to brighten this man's life, so he pulled opened the curtain by his bedside and began to share the lovely view of the world below.   He described the beautiful park filled with children playing on the swings, the lovers arm in arm and beautiful swans gliding gracefully over the glassy pond.  Each day he described these wonderful things happening in the park with vivid details. 

The man on the opposite side of the room was intrigued and waited every morning with great anticipation to hear more about the outside world.  Soon his despair and unhappiness was replaced with the enthusiasm to live.  Although, he was unable to leave his bed or to see what was beyond the window pain, he imagined the beauty as it was being described by his new friend.  He imagined himself walking in the park, feeding the pigeons and sitting in the sun along the edge of the pond. 

One day he allowed selfishness to enter into his heart.  'Why does he have the bed by the window, I deserve my turn!'  He grumbled bitterly to himself.  Each day this bitterness grew until it consumed him and he could think of nothing else, but the guile of envy.  One night the man by the window seemed to be restless and he was having difficulties sleeping.  Hearing his friend's discomfort, the man on the other side of the room turned over with his face to the wall and mumbled, 'it serves him right' and he rolled over and fell asleep.

In the morning he awoke, he noticed that the bed by the window was empty and inquired about his friend.  He sat in sorrow as the nurse informed him that his roommate had died in the middle of the night.  After moments of sadness, he asked if he could have the bed by the window.  The nurse promptly moved him across the room and a few inches from the curtain, then she left the room.  He quickly reached over to the tassel hanging from the curtain and pulled it open with one swift motion.  There - just beyond the glass window was a solid brick wall.

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and willingness to return kindness.  It comes quietly when we listen with our hearts and desire to see with deserving eyes.  It has the power to change evil into good and a chaotic world into a heavenly place.   Anger and disdain surrender in the presence of gratitude and the world surrounding becomes an oases of peace.  by, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.