Sometimes I wish we were born old and grew young because the innocence of a child is so refreshing and uplifting.  If you truly want to know the truth about something, ask a child under the age of six, they will set you straight. The most fun memories in my own life came from my children and grandchildren. Being a mother and grandmother is truly the height of my glory. Thanks for the wonderful memories and keep them coming.

My oldest son Brian was ten years old when he had a life changing experience. One night he and his younger brothers were camping out in the back yard. He heard something digging through our garbage can and it looked like a big black cat. He grabbed his baseball bat and whacked it into tomorrow, but that big black cat happened to have a long white stripe down its back! We are talking a really bad smell for a very long time... that's all I have to say!

When Livia was four years old, she got mad at her mother and walked over to the front door and announced, "I'm going to the airport to live with my grammy!"

One day little Gentry choked on a sip of milk. "Oh, it must have gone down the wrong windpipe," his mother consoled. Confused by her statement he replied, "Is there a pipe for milk and one for juice?"

I was driving down the road when my daughter, Christa (age six at the time) looked out her window at the farmland. She noticed hundreds of fresh square hay bales sitting on top of the fields. "Mom, why are all those people buried on top of the ground?" she asked. That's when I realized she needed glasses.

Three year old Celine was listening to her little baby sister jabber one day.  She listened for a minute and then responded, "No fair, how come she gets to talk in spanish and I don't!"

Young Travler was watching a fly in the window sill.  He noticed that it was repeatedly rubbing its back legs together. Then he quickly informed his family, "He's trying to start a fire!"

One day five year old Trigo asked me how old I was and when I told him he replied, "Wow, did you start when you were my age?"

It was Christmas time and I was playing a game with my children based on the nativity scene. The first question asked was: there are three of them, they followed the star to Bethlehem to bring gifts to baby Jesus. (I thought I was being very specific.) My three year old son David, responded immediately, "Oh, oh... I know, the three bears!"

Sierra was born without hearing. Her only form of communication was sign language. She was six years old when she came to see her new baby niece, Mya. When Mya started to cry, Sierra got a confused look on her face and asked her mother, "What's the baby trying to say to me." (She didn't realize that babies couldn't talk.)

My daughter and son in law had gathered their little girls together to have a talk about the basic facts of life. My daughter had purchased an elementary level book with simple stick figures, and basic information on the anatomy of the human body. As they proceeded to go through the book, their nine year old looked closely at the stick figures, and her eyes bugged out.  She stopped them dead in their tracks and exclaimed, "Dad! I'm pretty sure this stuff is like totally illegal, I mean, can't people go to jail for this kind of stuff? I'm outta here!"

Little Jabez was playing with his baby brother, Asher. I was amazed at how nice he was being and I complemented, "Jabez, you are a prince." He quickly replied, "No I'n not, I'n dust a liddo boy."

My daughter took baby Eva to the pediatrician for a check up.  She was not quite 18 months old, but her vocabulary was really remarkable for her age. The doctor entered the room and at that very moment Eva sneezed. A little sniffle came out her nose and followed by her dainty little comment, "Eeeewwww, ga'wose!"

When my son Jared was small we were sitting in church. He got tired and laid his head in my lap to rest.  He was looking up at me and suddenly announced, "OH NO MOM, YOU HAVE HAIR IN YOUR NOSE!" Everyone in church looked my way and I wanted to slither under the bench.  I knew that God was aware of the hair in my nose, but I didn't want the entire congregation to be informed!

Leah was three years old when she bit her tongue while eating dinner. The tears flowed down her cheeks and not knowing what had made her cry, I asked what was wrong.  She sobbed, "I tried to eat myself!'

Years ago, I was wallpapering the kitchen. There was just a little bit of wallpaper glue left over, so I put it in a chip dip container and pushed it to the back of the counter. When the kids came home from school, I heard Brian searching in the cupboards for a snack, but didn't think anything about it... five minutes later his voice resonated throughout the house, "Don't ever buy this chip dip again, it taste like crap!"

My son Gabriel loved to play pranks on everyone. We had a college student that came to live with us for a year and Gabriel was delighted; he had a new victim. One day he set the student's alarm clock to go off in the middle of the night, then hid it across the room and sprinkled marbles in front of his bed.  We heard him hit the floor with a thud... then came the colorful metaphors. One time he put rubbing alcohol in his mouthwash and his words echoed throughout the house, "Gabriel, I am going to kill you!" 

Mother's Day is coming up and I hope everyone takes time to celebrate with your mothers.  Remember, none of would be here if it was not for our mothers.  If your mother has passed on like mine has, then take the time to celebrate the great memories. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


Have you ever wondered about those who say they give more than 100%?  Is that possible? If 100% is the perfect percentage, than anything over that is paramount. Right? 

There are formulas in life to reach the goals of 100%, but is it possible to give 101%?

If numbers could speak, what messages might they convey?  Each number below is representative in order to the respective letter:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

   H A R D  W O R K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%           

   K N O W L E D G  E
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
     A T T I T U D E
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 =100%

  L O V E  O F  G O D
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%

HARD WORD and KNOWLEDGE will get you close and ATTITUDE will get you there, but it is the LOVE OF GOD that pushes you over the top! 
By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


What is the best that lies within us and of how much are we capable? 

An old Arabic legend tells of a rider finding a spindly sparrow lying on its back in the middle of the road. He dismounted and asked the sparrow why his feet where in the air.

Replied the sparrow, "I heard the heavens were going to fall today."

"And I suppose you think your puny little bird legs can hold up the whole universe?" laughed the horseman.

"Perhaps not," said the sparrow with conviction, "but one does whatever one can."

The strengths to overcome the trials in this life are not measured by physical strengths. It is measured through the desirers of a willing heart. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine 


At this Easter season of hope and renewal we testify of the glorious reality of the atonement and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The empty tomb brought comforting assurance and provided the answer to the question of Job, “If a man die, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14).

Because of the Savior’s resurrection we will overcome death and become the beneficiaries of His mercy and grace. In a world of trouble and uncertainty, His peace fills our hearts and eases our minds. Jesus is indeed “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

Though He was crucified, He rose triumphant from the tomb to our everlasting blessing and benefit. To each member of the human family He stands as our Advocate, our Savior, and our Friend.  

This Easter, may you awaken to the heartfelt reality that He is and was and yet to come.  
Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


* Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

* Sometimes its "hair" today, gone tomorrow!

* When it comes to listening, be all ears.

* All work and no play can make you into a basket case.

* It's okay to have a bad hair day.

* Let kind acts multiply like bunny rabbits.

* The grass is not always greener in the other baskets.

* It's okay if some parts of your body get a little floppy.

* If you're dragging your feet, hop to it!

* Show your true colors, variety is what makes people beautiful.






I have no desire to become muslim.  I have watched them reign with blood and terror upon their own nation for over half a century now, and I don't want them bringing this into my county!
My belief is, "The truths about a nation and its people are revealed in their actions.  If you want to know what another country can do to you and your precious freedom, then take a close look at what that country has done to their own people!" 
I have no respect for a religious sect that forces it's beliefs upon others, especially one that attaches itself to penalties by death. I could not worship leaders that condoned or afflict this kind of chaos and destruction upon another human being! There would never be hope for salvation; only a life filled with hell and an unceasing reign of terror. I have watch with my own eyes, through two generations, as the evilness has perpetuated.  
Beware!  Since the beginning of time, demons have conceal their ugly identities behind holy images, but they can't hide their craftsmanship. It manifest itself in fear, terror and murder.  How can anyone (in their right mind) call this the plan of deity?  Its preposterous to believe, the Holy Master of Heaven, desires to kill and terrorize His own children in His sacred name.  
Barack Hussein Obama's desire is to reign as the great muslim leader of the world.  His pledge for a "one world order" is not about the freedom of the republic, but control for world domination! Take a real close look at what muslims have done to their own country and then remember that it's their "life long pursuit" to have power over the "infidels" in America. 
I have nothing against muslims, per se. I know there are many who are wonderful people, who desire peace and harmony, but they seem to be the minority!  The foundation of the muslim religion is to abolish and destroy Judaism and Christianity by chains of slavery and death.  
Barack Hussein Obama made the comment to Turkey and muslim leaders, "America doesn't consider itself to be a Christian Nation."  This is an outrageous declaration and a good indication which side of the fence Obama is sitting on!  He has no right to speak on behalf of the American people! 
Listen carefully to the rebuttal from Congressman J. Randy Forbes. 

I am so thankful there are great and noble men who stand in high places! 
The American people must step up to the plate in the elections of 2012. The failing economy is the least of our worries.  This will be the decoy Obama and Soros will use, during the elections, to divert our attention away from the fall of our great nation.  People, let's get America back and one fine day we will see our children basque in the freedom they deserve. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


You are what you eat. Well, we are going to be eating the "sound of silence" if the Senate passes the bill, Food Safety Accountability Act S.216! Its time to take the blindfolds off, Senators, for a closer look at what you are asking the American public to sacrifice. Apparently, the blind are leading the blind. This bill allows the FDA to prosecute any claims that food or herbal supplements aid in the prevention of disease. (Information on the bill is listed at the bottom of this entry.) 

Since I have no faith in congress or their ability to protect the American people from such idiotic nonsense, I decided to do a little research of my own.  This new bill would prohibit future generations from knowing the truth about healthy alternatives.  It threatens freedom of speech and eliminates freedom of choice. Forfeiting these great privileges would be losing everything to the enemy!

If this bill is passed, it will confirm my suspicions, there is not "grain" of integrity or moral "fiber" left in the "nuts" that are running this country!  They are making it "berry" difficult for the people of the United States to maintain their freedom.  Perhaps the underlining goals of congress are for Americans to resemble "vegetables," rather than eat them! 

Listed below are several possibilities for preventing disease. I don't want this valuable information to become known as the "forbidden fruit"! Allowing this bill to pass would be signing our death certificates.  I would like to believe the goal is to keep people healthy, but that would put the trillion dollar drug companies out of business, now wouldn't it! 

Optimum foods to enhance healthy living.

1. Garlic & FennelGarlic contains a number of compounds that can protect against cancer, especially that of the skin, colon, and lungs. Garlic is a natural antibiotic.  Fennel inhibits the growth of cancer cells (eat fresh fennel bulbs or crush the seeds).

2. Dark Leafy Greens - Dark greens are rich sources of antioxidants called carotenoids.  They destroy dangerous free radicals from the body before they can promote cancer growth.

3. Grapes –  Purple grapes contain the chemical resveratrol, which is a very potent antioxidant that can prevent cell damage before it begins.

4. Green TeaThe flavonoids in green tea have been shown to slow or prevent the development of several types of cancer including colon, liver, breast, and prostate. (Not the tea in bottles, it has too much sugar.)

5. TomatoesThe compound lycopene, (most easily absorbed from cooked tomatoes) has been shown to prevent prostate cancer, as well as cancer of the breast, lung, and stomach.

6. Blueberries Of all the berries, blueberries are the richest in cancer fighting compounds.  They are beneficial and filled with nutrients.

7. Flaxseeds or ChiaseedFlax contains lignans, which can have an antioxidant effect and block or suppress cancerous changes.  The omega-3 fatty acids can also help protect against colon cancer.  Chiaseed aids in weight loss.  They are high in omega-3, prevent food cravings and block calorie absorption.

8. Oregano  –  Helps the body fight disease, builds the immune system and kills off unfriendly bacteria.  Its anti-fungal and a natural antibiotic. This natural remedy provides defense against biological toxins.

9. VegetablesBroccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts contain strong antioxidants that may help decrease cancer risk.  Vegetables that are eaten in the raw form are healthier and have more nutrition, fiber and vitamin content.

10. Whole Grains Whole grains contain a variety of anti-cancer compounds including antioxidants, fiber, and phytoestrogens.  These can aid in decreasing the risk of developing most types of cancer.

Fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants are staples in many cancer-fighting diets. They can work together for an even greater cancer-combating effect. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.

Please email your senators (it only takes a few minutes):

 OPPOSE the Food Safety Accountability Act (S.216) in its present form.

Senate Bill Would Jail Food Makers for Ten Years! As if Congress does not have enough urgent work to do, a bill has just been introduced that would vastly expand the FDA’s power to put food makers in jail for ten years! Just a few days ago, you learned that a walnut grower capitulated to FDA pressure and removed truthful health claims from its website. The bill just introduced in the Senate would grant the FDA far more draconian powers to censor this kind of health information.This Senate bill will enable the FDA to incarcerate food makers if they cite findings from peer-reviewed published scientific studies on their websites.The pretext for these draconian proposals is a bill titled the Food Safety Accountability Act (S.216).The ostensible purpose of the bill is to punish anyone who knowingly contaminates food for sale. Since there are already strong laws to punish anyone who commits this crime, this bill serves little purpose other than enriching pharmaceutical interests by censoring what healthy food makers can say about their products. The sinister scheme behind this bill is to exploit the public’s concern about food safety. Drug companies want to convince your senators that an overreaching law needs to be enacted to grant the FDA powers to define “food contamination” any way it chooses. The problem is the FDA can proclaim a food as “misbranded” even if the best science in the world is used to describe its biological effects in the body. The fear is the FDA will use the term “misbranded” in the same way it defines “adulterated” in order to jail food makers as if they were selling contaminated food. While the new bill only refers to food violations and not supplements, the FDA may not interpret it this way. The big issue here is that if this bill is passed, it would give the FDA legal authority to threaten and coerce small companies into signing crippling consent decrees that will deny consumers access to truthful non-misleading information about natural approaches to protect against age-related disease. Please tell your two senators to OPPOSE the Food Safety Accountability Act (S.216) in its present form. You can do this in a few minutes on our convenient Legislative Action Center on our website.


$14,272,993,603,617 is the national debt and perpetually multiplying every second.

Tonight, I listened to the president's speech on cutting the budget by 4 trillion, over the next twelve years and it made my head spin.

First of all, he said, "We have to cut the budget and live within our means." Well, I have news for Obama.  I have been living within my means for over fifty years and when he says we... he must have a mouse in his pocket!  This statement offends me!  The American people didn't push government spending over the edge... congress and the presidents, past and present, managed to do that all by themselves.

The majority of Americans are living within their means.  It's appalling to me when politicians include, we.  We didn't have anything to do with the deficit and if it were up to the American people, we would do exactly what our parents taught us to do. We would act responsibly and stop all spending until our income exceeded the debt for a more positive outcome! 

Who would ever consider spending money they didn't have?  That's stupidity and failure at the highest level! "Oh, we are out of money? Okay, let's just print some more money and then when we run out of that money, we can borrow some money from our enemies at a high interest rate and pretend we are going to pay them back, but we can't reeeaallly pay them back because we don't have any more money... remember, we are broke!"  Honestly, elementary children have more business sense than our government.  

I don't mean to rail on President Obama, but I am a realist and I base my decisions on the facts.  In 2008, Obama, pledged 510 campaign promises to the American people and so far, the only promise he has kept is getting his girls a new dog! I despise rhetoric and deception.

 A few of Obama's broken promises.

*Stop spending and get the budget under control. Failed! It's predicted to double within his 4 year term in the White House. 

*Create foreclosure prevention. Failed! 2.8 million foreclosures last year with a predicted 3 million in 2011.

*Withdraw troops from Iraq. Failed! National Guard troops are being deployed each month. My son leaves, June 2011.

*Secure boarders. Failed! Estimated 11-12 million undocumented immigrants have entered the US since 2009.

*Cut the cost of family health insurance. Failed! The average family pays about $14,000 per year.

*Close Guantanamo Bay.  Failed! Detainment holds over 245 terrorist (not being prosecuted because of lack of evidence).  "Can you say, 9/11!"

*Restrict unwarranted wiretap. Failed! Government is more invasive and politically censored.

*He promised to allow public comments before signing bills. Failed! 12/24/2009 the Senate passed the Health bill without public option and Obama signed on the dotted line.

*Provide tax cuts for businesses hiring new employees. Failed!  Not even considered.

*Allow withdraws from 401k and retirement without penalties.  Failed!  

*To ban lobbyists from serving in his administration. Failed! Obama granted waivers for lobbyist to serve in his administration after he was elected.

*Reform earmarks. Failed to make changes, rather capitalized on earmarks. (Earmarks have been used as vehicles for waste, fraud and abuse. Projects have been inserted at the 11th hour, without review and merit, to satisfy the political agendas of a given legislator, rather than public's interest.)

*Eliminate Capital Gains for small businesses. Failed! Changed his mind. He said, "That probably is not going to be useful in solving the financial crisis."  

*Run a transparent administration. It's transparent all right.  It's so transparent that the American people can't see what's going on!

Our public officials need to understand what the word "promise" means. I believe, "A man is only as good as his word. If a man cannot stand behind his word, than we should not stand behind the man!"  

Its time for Americans to hold the leaders of this country accountable for their actions; we need honesty and moral integrity.  Leaders will rise to the levels of expectations and it's time to expect more from those who direct the affairs of this country. 

The budget could be balanced in a few years if we stopped sending our hard earned tax dollars to foreign countries.  The government is sending billions of dollars to countries that despise the American people! How is that working for us?  Maybe one fine day "we" can find the wisdom to elect better leaders. By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.

Yes, I am smarter than a 5th grader!

My husband is an engineer and an extreme brainiac. There's not much he doesn't know and his opinions are gospel.  He knows which way the wind is blowing at all times, but I follow that up with, "Well, I know where all the hot air is coming from!" 

When the game show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" was popular, my husband knew all the answers before they posted the choices.  

The program allowed him to exercise his Nerdism, but frankly, it became annoying. Well, he may be smart, but I am clever and shrewd!  I recorded an episode when he was gone on a business trip and memorized all the answers (it happened to be the week, John Carpenter, won the million dollars).  

The night he returned, I nonchalantly pushed the play button at the exact time the show was airing.  I was sitting on the edge of my seat and before my husband could even open his mouth, the answers rolled off my tongue faster than a speeding bullet.  He looked as if I'd sucked all the blood out of his veins and within minutes he was struggling for air.  I don't think anyone had ever challenged his brilliance and I was loving every minute of this secret espionage.

"How do you know that answer?" He snapped.

"Oh, just a little bit of trivia that's been floating around in the back of my head." I responded, followed by a cheshire grin!

As the questions got harder, I put on my game face and answered each one with two snaps up.  He was not a happy camper!  His chin dropped and I could see that he was suffering from an inferiority complex.  Did I stop there?  Oh no I di nnnnn't!  I took it all the way to the bank.  I learned a great lesson that day, if you can't join them, then beat 'em! By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


I was surfing the web when I noticed that many of the sites I was looking for are no longer available, they are blocked!  I am enraged when I see that my access to the political arena is being censored. 

Several of these sites were marked "redirected or access denied." Holy crap!  What is happening to the Constitutional Amendments and freedom of speech?  

October 26, 2001, the Patriot Act, sign by George W. Bush, eradicate our Constitutional rights. This is highly illegal according to the Constitution itself, hello... these changes are taking place on a daily bases by our president and congress!  Do the people of America have to be hit over the head with an enslavement camp before realizing they're losing their freedoms? 

Patrick Henry said, "The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." 

Changes are happening everyday and without the vote or consent of the people. These changes violate the very principles this country is established upon.  The people of The United State of America need to form a body of government... to watch over the body of government.  Take a good look at what the Patriot Act has done to your Constitutional rights.

The First Amendment is about freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to assemble.  The Patriot Act says that the government is now free to monitor religious and political institutions without any suspicion of criminal activity.  The government can also prosecute librarians or the keepers of records (including journalist)."

The Fourth Amendment speaks to our right to be secure "against unreasonable searches and seizures."  The Patriot Act says the government can now search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause.

The Sixth Amendment entitles anyone accused of a crime to "a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury."  The Patriot Act says that the government can now jail an American indefinitely without a trial and one can be jailed without even being charged of the crime and without representation.

What troubles me more than anything is how Congress can simply vote to supersede the Constitution of The United States of America.  They are not allowed, nor do they have the power to vote in new rules arbitrarily, it's against our Constitution!  How can we allow this kind of unprecedented change to be happening?  

My friend, Debbie, is very politically active and in support of the American Constitution.  She believes that the people of this great country own the government and not visa versa.  She sends time sending emails in support of her political views.  One day her email was blocked due to "Political Controversy," I mean BLOCKED!  She couldn't access anything. Debbie is not a terrorist!  She is a woman who loves her country. The only weapon in her possession to be considered dangerous is her Estee Lauder perfume.  I would like to believe that our government is monitoring the bad guys and not sweet little ladies who love God, the American flag and apple pie!  (Internet usage is logged and monitored, so kiss your First Amendment rights goodbye.) 

When a country is no longer a Republic, it begins to take on the evil images of Socialism and Communism.  This country was set up "for the people by the people."  If we don't paying attention to what is happening right now in our country, someday we may find, FREEDOM: ACCESS DENIED!  By, Linda Sumner Urza, One find day.