Sometimes I wish we were born old and grew young because the innocence of a child is so refreshing and uplifting.  If you truly want to know the truth about something, ask a child under the age of six, they will set you straight. The most fun memories in my own life came from my children and grandchildren. Being a mother and grandmother is truly the height of my glory. Thanks for the wonderful memories and keep them coming.

My oldest son Brian was ten years old when he had a life changing experience. One night he and his younger brothers were camping out in the back yard. He heard something digging through our garbage can and it looked like a big black cat. He grabbed his baseball bat and whacked it into tomorrow, but that big black cat happened to have a long white stripe down its back! We are talking a really bad smell for a very long time... that's all I have to say!

When Livia was four years old, she got mad at her mother and walked over to the front door and announced, "I'm going to the airport to live with my grammy!"

One day little Gentry choked on a sip of milk. "Oh, it must have gone down the wrong windpipe," his mother consoled. Confused by her statement he replied, "Is there a pipe for milk and one for juice?"

I was driving down the road when my daughter, Christa (age six at the time) looked out her window at the farmland. She noticed hundreds of fresh square hay bales sitting on top of the fields. "Mom, why are all those people buried on top of the ground?" she asked. That's when I realized she needed glasses.

Three year old Celine was listening to her little baby sister jabber one day.  She listened for a minute and then responded, "No fair, how come she gets to talk in spanish and I don't!"

Young Travler was watching a fly in the window sill.  He noticed that it was repeatedly rubbing its back legs together. Then he quickly informed his family, "He's trying to start a fire!"

One day five year old Trigo asked me how old I was and when I told him he replied, "Wow, did you start when you were my age?"

It was Christmas time and I was playing a game with my children based on the nativity scene. The first question asked was: there are three of them, they followed the star to Bethlehem to bring gifts to baby Jesus. (I thought I was being very specific.) My three year old son David, responded immediately, "Oh, oh... I know, the three bears!"

Sierra was born without hearing. Her only form of communication was sign language. She was six years old when she came to see her new baby niece, Mya. When Mya started to cry, Sierra got a confused look on her face and asked her mother, "What's the baby trying to say to me." (She didn't realize that babies couldn't talk.)

My daughter and son in law had gathered their little girls together to have a talk about the basic facts of life. My daughter had purchased an elementary level book with simple stick figures, and basic information on the anatomy of the human body. As they proceeded to go through the book, their nine year old looked closely at the stick figures, and her eyes bugged out.  She stopped them dead in their tracks and exclaimed, "Dad! I'm pretty sure this stuff is like totally illegal, I mean, can't people go to jail for this kind of stuff? I'm outta here!"

Little Jabez was playing with his baby brother, Asher. I was amazed at how nice he was being and I complemented, "Jabez, you are a prince." He quickly replied, "No I'n not, I'n dust a liddo boy."

My daughter took baby Eva to the pediatrician for a check up.  She was not quite 18 months old, but her vocabulary was really remarkable for her age. The doctor entered the room and at that very moment Eva sneezed. A little sniffle came out her nose and followed by her dainty little comment, "Eeeewwww, ga'wose!"

When my son Jared was small we were sitting in church. He got tired and laid his head in my lap to rest.  He was looking up at me and suddenly announced, "OH NO MOM, YOU HAVE HAIR IN YOUR NOSE!" Everyone in church looked my way and I wanted to slither under the bench.  I knew that God was aware of the hair in my nose, but I didn't want the entire congregation to be informed!

Leah was three years old when she bit her tongue while eating dinner. The tears flowed down her cheeks and not knowing what had made her cry, I asked what was wrong.  She sobbed, "I tried to eat myself!'

Years ago, I was wallpapering the kitchen. There was just a little bit of wallpaper glue left over, so I put it in a chip dip container and pushed it to the back of the counter. When the kids came home from school, I heard Brian searching in the cupboards for a snack, but didn't think anything about it... five minutes later his voice resonated throughout the house, "Don't ever buy this chip dip again, it taste like crap!"

My son Gabriel loved to play pranks on everyone. We had a college student that came to live with us for a year and Gabriel was delighted; he had a new victim. One day he set the student's alarm clock to go off in the middle of the night, then hid it across the room and sprinkled marbles in front of his bed.  We heard him hit the floor with a thud... then came the colorful metaphors. One time he put rubbing alcohol in his mouthwash and his words echoed throughout the house, "Gabriel, I am going to kill you!" 

Mother's Day is coming up and I hope everyone takes time to celebrate with your mothers.  Remember, none of would be here if it was not for our mothers.  If your mother has passed on like mine has, then take the time to celebrate the great memories. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.

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