Somewhere, there is a man at the side of the road and carrying all his belongings upon his back. He doesn't want anything except a little human kindness. He never meant to offend anyone by his appearance, he's just down on his luck and would like to believe that tomorrow will be a brighter day...
Somewhere, there is another lost teenager wandering the streets. The pain is etched upon her face. She is the one with the colorful hair and all the piercing through her skin. Her look is hard and cold, but it was placed there by fear and to hide the real truth! She cries alone in her room at night where no one can see, and strives to cover up the years of abuse that nobody would believe. She is waiting for someone to show her what love really means...
Somewhere, there is a child that sits at the back of the classroom. He is forced to hide a painful secret deep inside and threatened by the very hands of someone he once trusted. While the other children taunt and tease him, he struggle to carry the burdens placed upon his innocent soul and sometimes it too heavy to bare....
There may be times when the challenges in our lives seem overwhelming, but one doesn't have to look far to see the faces of those who endure the impossible every day of their lives. We have witness the destruction of natural disasters and the tragedy of human loss, but it's more difficult to see the silent death taking place in the hearts of those less fortunate.
This holiday season is a wonderful time to reflect upon our blessings and seize the opportunity to make a difference in the world. We may never know the source of someone's burdens and I believe we are chosen to ease the pain and lighten the load of the weary. It may only require a moment in time, a little spare change, or kind words of encouragement. These random acts of love can make all the difference in the world to someone who is suffering.
What would happen if everyone made a conscious effort to look for opportunities to serve mankind? I believe that we would change in the twinkling of an eye. We would provide hope for the helpless, rest for the weary and love for the broken hearted to begin the healing of a troubled world. by, Linda Sumner Urza, One Fine Dad