"I entered into this world frail and innocent, but I knew deep inside that I possessed all the capabilities of becoming a valiant warrior in the realms of life."
My father and mother always encouraged their children to weather the storm. We were taught that no matter how difficult life gets,it will get better.As I matured, the trials were harder, but my potential to overcome them became greater. I learned that opposition brings on the opportunity for growth, and I developed a resiliency to overcome even the obstacles that were beyond my limited understanding.
I began to realize the greater the opposition in life, the greatest the depth of character, compassion and knowledge. The opposing forces were inevitably creating a better me.
My favorite example of endurance is the story of a man who learned one of life's most valuable lessons on a ranch. All his life he had worked on a cattle ranch where the winter storms took a heavy toll among the herds. Freezing rains whipped across the prairies and the howling bitter winds piled snow into enormous drifts. The wind blew so hard that flying ice would cut into the flesh. On some bitter nights the temperatures would drop below zero degrees and the violence of nature would wreak its vengeance.
Most of the cattle would turn their backs to the icy winds. They would slowly drift downward until they were piled up against the fence, where they died by the scores. The Hereford cattle were exceptional. This breed of cattle would instinctively turn their heads toward the storm and stand, shoulder to shoulder, facing the storm's wrath. With their heads turned downward, the onslaught of the raging storm would soar off their thick backs and protect their bodies from the bitter cold. They were always found alive and well, for they instinctively knew how to weather the storm.
There are experiences in this life that seem relentless and unbearable, but its possible to stand on solid ground even in the eye of the raging tempest. When we come together, shoulder to shoulder, we create a powerful barrier of strength to endure the trials. We cannot escape the pain and suffering, but we can develop the spiritual muscles to overcome the obstacles placed before us. This life is filled with heroism, courage, boldness and the faith of those who stand firm in the midst of darkness. There are many great and noble warriors that are perfect examples of this level of excellence.
Truth is revealed in the famous quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Tough times never last, but tough people do! One fine day we may discover that the gift of opposition is the pinnacle to our greatness. By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.