Dear Mom,
Thank you for bringing me into this world. You alway said that I was your special gift, but you were mine. I didn't realize until I had children of my own, the endless time and energy that you devoted to me, from the sleepless nights, runny noses and dirty diapers, to the teenage years and far beyond. You made the difference in all our lives and when I was preparing to make a nest of my own, it was your influence that I wanted to emulate. The peace, love and joy that you had so beautifully displayed in our home, is now a part of all our lives and will live on the hearts of your posterity.
In my younger years, much of my time was spent chasing rainbows, but if I knew then what I know now, I would have spent that precious time making more memories with you. Thank you for helping me get up each time I fell and for tending my wounds until the scars faded. I know now, how difficult it is to stand back and let the ones you love learn from their mistakes, and in the quiet moments of life, I reflect upon your tender wisdom. When I was young and immature, I thought you were always nipping at my heals. Today, I would give anything to be a step or two behind yours.
I want to thank you for being brave enough to stand up for what was right; it was your example of moral integrity that kept me on the straight and narrow. Thank you for saying, “NO” far more times than you ever said yes; it saved me from the failures in life that creates the greatest pain.
I learned discipline and self respect from your examples of ~ discipline and self respect! Thank you for chastising me with tough love and although I didn't appreciate it at the time, it clearly defines who I am today. To you, I owe it all, for without you there would be less of me!
I don't know where all the years have gone! One day, I just turned around and you had quietly slipped away. The hand of fate sealed the last chapter of our lives together. It's ironic, with great tears of joy you had welcomed me into this life and with tears of sorrow, I watched you leave.
There's a place in my heart that is reserved for you and it overflows with the abundance of love and respect. I miss you. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.