We knew before we were born that we were coming to the earth to gain a physical body. We knew through the experiences of life that we would have joys and sorrows, ease and pain, comforts and hardships, health and sickness, successes and disappointments. We also knew that we would be subject to the perils of an earthly life and even though we knew these trials would be difficult, we accepted all these eventualities (both the favorable and the unfavorable) with an open heart.

We were willing to accept life as it unfolds and confident that we could have the power to overcome whatever prevails. Now that we are here and the memory of a preexistent life has been sealed, it's more challenging than we presumed. We knew that we would be tried and tested to the depth of our moral character and integrity, but we also knew that we possessed the strength to overcome any and all opposition placed before us. I believe we were not concerned if we should die of disease, of accident or of old age, for we knew that God's plan provided an opportunity for eternal life with a perfect physical state.
This is a life of destiny. We are destined to become the full measure of our potential within our own creation.  The obstacles placed before us pay tribute to our wisdom, strengths, and abilities to overcome. There are many who would like to blame God for the trials that take place in this life. If God were to shield us from all the events, there would be no purpose for an earthly experience and definitely no opportunities for personal growth. 

When bad things happen to good people.

Plane crashes into the mountainside and kills 97 people; there were no survivors. The voices cry out, "How could the Lord do such a thing?"  Yet the Lord didn't direct the plane into the mountainside; it was later determined that the accident was caused by mechanical failure and human error. 

Family of six, killed in an automobile accident.  The crowd murmured, "Why would God let such a terrible thing happen?"  Heavenly Father didn't cause the accident that sent this family into the eternities, it was the negligence of a young driver who failed to yield at a stop sign.   

We are not puppets suspended by the strings that dangle from heaven. We are in this life by our own free will and we are subject to a myriad of experiences and events as they unfold. God will not force us to be careful or to be righteous; that would nullify the fundamental laws of God and interfere with our agency to choose for ourselves. 

In this life, we are subject to the events that surround us, whether good or bad, these experiences show our spiritual capabilities, self mastery and provide direction for personal growth.  Our individual choices bring about many of the events in our lives and they allow us the opportunity to learn and to progress.

A wise parent knows not to shield a child from the disappointments, temptations, sorrows, and suffering.  A wise parent understands that a child must be held accountable for their choices and their actions, for where there is no accountability there is no conscience.  A wise parent allows a child to experience trials in order to develop the personal wisdom and strength to rise above them. Opposition provides a way for us to attain noble characteristics: responsibility to achieve success, hard work to develop good values, sorrow to teach compassion and temptations to test our level of integrity. Without the gift of opposition, I am afraid we wouldn't amount to much of anything! 

Yes, sometimes bad things happen to good people! These experiences allow us to prove our personal fortitude, depth of compassion, level of intelligence, amount of courage, sense of character, moral integrity, sincerity, honesty, loyalty, trust and so on.  Opposition is the only way to measure the worth of a soul and it defines the level of immortal greatness within each mortal being. By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


This is in memory of all the loved ones who have passed through this life and on to the next horizon. Thank you for the laughter, the tears, the love and the kindness that we shared together. 

In this quiet moment, we cherish those precious memories that will never fade. Over the years these memories have warmed our hearts and left us with the unfailing hope that someday we will be together again.  But for now, there is a huge empty space in this life... where once there was you. by Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day. 


I believe we are all connected in this life, much like the intricate threads that are weaved together in a tapestry. The threads are distinctive in their individual characteristics, yet they are intertwined into one beautiful and unique pattern. We cross over the lives of all those whom we have come in contact with and all our experiences are represented in the design. These beautiful threads hold us together and bind the precious memories of our past with the present, allowing us to define our future. These tightly woven fibers will never be broken, for they represent the paths we have chosen to follow.  

This magnificent pattern begins the moment we are born, as our lives are interwoven into a beautiful tapestry. When we look back over the years, we can see the heavier threads of courage that carried us through the most difficult times. The vibrant colors intersect with the darker contrasts to remind us that we are surrounded by loved ones. If we look even closer, we can see a brilliant golden thread running through each and every fiber. This is a constant reminder of the most perfect light within; the divine light of Christ.

Maybe there were times we believed we were invincible, but how quickly that perception changed when death was lurking in the shadows. It's astonishing how critically important living becomes, when the doors to life are being closed. I can testify that there are regrets for the threads left undone and this is far more painful than the reality of death itself. All the little challenges that mattered yesterday become insignificant, as your spirit fights to preserve another tomorrow.  

When we are young, we squander our health in search of money and when we are old, we spend all our money to regain our health.  We are given a short span of time upon this earth; a time to magnify the worthiness of our potential and shine in our own light and energy. I really don't believe it's important to God what a man does to make a better living; rather, I believe its imperative that the living a man chooses - makes a better man.  

Its inevitable, every living thing will pass through the veils of death.  I don't know if anyone is ever ready for that final moment, but we can be prepared. Time isn't always on our side and it waits for no one, but if used wisely, time defines who we are and what we are to become.  There's a tremendous sense of peace that comes (in the final hours) from knowing you have done your best. 

Don't wait until its too late.  Dig deep and find your sense of worth.  Share your gifts and attributes liberally with others.  Have the desire to: mend a quarrel, seek out a forgotten friend, dismiss suspicion and replace it with love, share your abundance, give a soft answer, encourage others, be your word, keep a promise, always forgive and then forget, forgo a grudge, apologize quickly, be understanding, examine your demands on others, be kind, be gentle, laugh more, express your gratitude, welcome a stranger, love larger than life and see through the eyes of a child. Become the beautiful masterpiece that all will admire... long after you are gone. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.   


When I was in college, I dated a guy who was one of the top law students at the University of Idaho. He had unlimited potential, a great personality and he seemed to have the world in the palm of his hand. I genuinely liked him and I knew his feelings were mutual.  His sister and I were best friends and that was an added bonus. 

Several dates later I was disappointed to find out that his 4.0 was not only his GPA, but it was also his average blood alcohol level. I was sad to learn that this good man had succumbed to such a destructive level of weakness. We had many conversations on the topic, but he wouldn't take any of them seriously. I knew the relationship was in trouble when he refused to acknowledge the truth. It was difficult, but I had to make a decision to save my own life from this tragedy and I broke away. I knew in my heart of hearts that a relationship like this would not work!
I knew he had married and started a law practice in Idaho Falls, but I lost touch with his sister and him over the years. Several years later I got a call from his sister.  I was not surprised to learn that he had become the youngest judge in the state of Idaho, but when she informed me that alcohol had eventually won the battle, I was devastated. With great sorrow, she explained that his drinking had destroyed his career, his marriage and his life.  He was buried at the age of forty-two from a self inflicted wound. I was shocked and saddened to hear of this tremendous loss.  He had left behind the shattered lives of his parents, sister, wife and two children. 

I have often thought about the parallels between his highly gifted intelligence and his inability to sense the danger of his own self destruction.  The final outcome of his life might have been the results of mine, had I not come to the conclusion that a relationship like that would not work for me.  I was grateful for the moral strength I had to make a serious decision, for it had spared me this life of pain and sorrow. 

Many years later I took a self actualization course.  One great lesson I learned from this course was to ask myself the simple question, "How's this working for me?" When I am questioning a direction in life, I find a quiet space to evaluate the circumstances and ask myself that very question. This simple step allows me the ability to weigh the pros and cons, but the pivotal point is being honest enough to listen to the answer. This little formula always allows me the ability to see the high road from the low road and it's really important that my choices produce the results that I deserve.

Asking this one simple question provides an opportunity to fix what is broken, heal what is wounded and protect what cannot be replaced! When lives are bonded together as a family unit, the highest priority is to alway make the right choice, for everyone is affected. I get disappointed when I hear people say, "I just need some time to find myself." They should have found themselves before they got married and pulled others into their snare.  Now innocent victims will have to pay a tremendous price for their lack of integrity.

There would be less failure, pain and suffering in the world if people would take a closer look and evaluate their choices in life. Choices either work or they don't and if they are not working, there's a perfect opportunity to change the course of action and responsibly modify the plan. 

I learned two extremely valuable lessons from my association with this past experience: When people show you who they are the first time, believe them and if you know better, you owe it to yourself to do better.  

This simple formula has allowed me to take responsibility for my life.  When I am making decisions or at the crossroads, I stop and ask these simple words, "How's this working for me?" If it provides great joy with stability and good result, then I go for it, but if the choice is not working -  I immediately raise my sights and change the direction. 

Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. We may not literally have the world in the palm of our hands, but we have the power to make the world in which we live a much better place. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


On September 11, 2001, Americans suffered a terrorist attack upon our peaceful soil. The monsters who breed terrorism from generation to generation, (in the name of religion) were once again shedding blood. 

Thousands of innocent lives were destroyed in the blink of an eye, while the perpetrators delighted in the bloodshed. May we never minimized what happened to our fellow Americans on that dark and dreary day! 

Those who watched in horror at the attacks of 9/11 are still suffering from the gaping wounds. A peaceful nation had fallen prey to the criminal minds of Osama Bin Laden and his forces of evil. Whether in thoughts or in deeds, the innocent blood will never dry on the hands of those who murdered our comrades.     

There are mixed emotions about the circumstances surrounding the death of Bin Laden. Some believe that under no circumstances should a life be taken and many demand for justice to prevail. This topic is an issue in our country, as well as countries around the world. It's most certain that Americans agree on these two major issues: the murder of innocent people cannot be justified, and to excuse a crime of this magnitude is unconscionable. 

These deaths did not happened by accident or human error, nor were they causes of natural disasters. Osama Bin Laden was at the head of this demonic plan and it was executed by his criminals. These unbelievable acts of violence had stunned the human mind, and now there is a price to be paid for these vicious atrocities. 

"When someone takes the life of an innocent being, they relinquish their individual rights and privileges to life itself. Bottom line!  That is the price for shedding innocent blood."

Americans take pride in sustaining and uphold the laws of the land. It would be insane to allow criminals any privileges above and beyond our laws! Justice must be served and with a punishment to fit the crime. If we stand back and do nothing, nothing good can become of it, for apathy would convey to the world that terrorism is tolerated. No peace can be found in a country that lives under the constant threats of terror and violence.  

These acts of violence did not take place on a battlefield with soldiers, it was an inhumane act of cowardice! There is only pity and that of contempt for those who take the lives of innocent beings. The pain of sorrow must be preserved in honor of the victims and their families, who's lives were destroyed. The deaths of our fellow Americans left us with an enormous presence of absence and a flame of remorse that cannot be extinguished. To say that we have moved past this ugly tragedy would be a lie, for many Americans are finding it impossible to forget the unforgivable!

Darkness can only exist in the absent of light, and The United States of America is a light unto the entire world. All eyes rest upon our superior level of dignity. If we intend to continue to hold the torch of leadership, we must preserve our homeland. 
America is the only country in the world that is sustained by three of the highest decrees: In God we trust, The land of the free and The home of the brave.  May we always strive to live worthy of these privileges and forever preserve our noble heritage. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


The American flag is the only flag in this world representing a people who declare their allegiance to one nation under God.

My father passed away when I was 21, but he taught his children to love and respect this country, it's values and the principles it was founded upon. I want my posterity to understand America's heritage and not to forget the millions of soldiers who sacrificed their lives, that we may live in peace!

The flag is folded in thirteen sections to provide a dignified ceremonial touch and to distinguish the sacred cloth from other ordinary pieces of fabric.  The origin of the script is said to have come from an anonymous chaplain in the U.S. Airforce academy.  Regardless of the source, the meanings are "real" in the sense that they have a deep abiding significance to those who love and honor this great country.

Red represents: Valor, strength and bravery. The blood that has been shed to provide freedom for all.

White represents: Peace, purity and honor. The white stripes resemble the brilliant rays emanating from the sun.

Blue represents: Vigilance, perseverance, justice, truth and loyalty.  A true blue commitment to protect and sustain.

Stars represent: Symbol of heaven and divine goals aspired from time immemorial (originating from a distant past).

The next time you have the privilege to see an American flag, perhaps you will understand the true meaning of the United State of America and the republic for which it stands.  This beautiful flag has covered the caskets of millions of soldiers who fought to protect your rights of freedom.

The 1st fold of our flag is a symbol of life.

The 2nd fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life.

The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world.

The 4th fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in time of war for His divine guidance.

The 5th fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decaur, "Our Country", in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.

The 6th fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

The 7th fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic.

The 8th fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day.

The 9th fold is a tribute to womanhood, and Mothers. For it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been molded.

The 10th fold is a tribute to the father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for defense of our country since they were first born.

The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the Christians eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.

The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost reminding us of our nations motto, "In God We Trust."

After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat.  Ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under General George Washington, and the Sailors and Marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones.  They were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges and freedoms we are so blessed to enjoy.  Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day,


Dear Mom, 
Thank you for bringing me into this world. You alway said that I was your special gift, but you were mine. I didn't realize until I had children of my own, the endless time and energy that you devoted to me, from the sleepless nights, runny noses and dirty diapers, to the teenage years and far beyond.   You made the difference in all our lives and when I was preparing to make a nest of my own, it was your influence that I wanted to emulate.  The peace, love and joy that you had so beautifully displayed in our home, is now a part of all our lives and will live on the hearts of your posterity.  
In my younger years, much of my time was spent chasing rainbows, but if I knew then what I know now, I would have spent that precious time making more memories with you. Thank you for helping me get up each time I fell and for tending my wounds until the scars faded. I know now, how difficult it is to stand back and let the ones you love learn from their mistakes, and in the quiet moments of life, I reflect upon your tender wisdom. When I was young and immature, I thought you were always nipping at my heals.  Today, I would give anything to be a step or two behind yours. 

I want to thank you for being brave enough to stand up for what was right; it was your example of moral integrity that kept me on the straight and narrow. Thank you for saying, “NO” far more times than you ever said yes; it saved me from the failures in life that creates the greatest pain.  

I learned discipline and self respect from your examples of ~ discipline and self respect!  Thank you for chastising me with tough love and although I didn't appreciate it at the time, it clearly defines who I am today.  To you, I owe it all, for without you there would be less of me!

I don't know where all the years have gone!  One day, I just turned around and you had quietly slipped away.  The hand of fate sealed the last chapter of our lives together.  It's ironic, with great tears of joy you had welcomed me into this life and with tears of sorrow, I watched you leave.  

There's a place in my heart that is reserved for you and it overflows with the abundance of love and respect.  I miss you.  By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


Attitude is the determining factor for personal happiness. "As a man thinketh so is he."  The very thoughts and perceptions in the conscious and subconscious mind determine joy. To change the degree of happiness, one must change their thoughts and perceptions to an elevated level of responsible thinking. 

 However, its impossible to see anything in a positive light if someone views them self as a negative force. One cannot serve two masters. The negative perception must be replaced with a healthy image and backed by positive reinforcement. When people inwardly labeled themselves as "a negative person," they must redefine their perception immediately! Healthy goals would be to continually and perpetually move toward divine worth and personal growth. One of the most important ingredients in this formula is to love oneself and to constantly strive to perceive ones image as a positive entity.  When this is mastered, it becomes very easy and natural to love others. 

People who spend their time with those of low moral integrity and character, soon come to realize that its just a matter of time before they display the same type of behavior. (Hurting people, usually hurt people.) If there is no relief from the negative environment, then its easy to become affixed to a dysfunctional behavior (especially children, who are typically vulnerable to inadequate parenting).  

The caliber of an individual can be measured by the amount of opposition it takes to discourage them. A dysfunctional mind is easily recognized through its shortcomings: it blames other, makes excuses, loses control, is critical, holds grudges, lashes out and displays the characteristics much like that of an adolescent. Remember that attitude is an inward feeling often expressed by an outward behavior. One cannot change these habits until first recognizing the harmful characteristics and shifting away from destructive behavior. The first step to healthier relationships is recognizing that the behavioral patterns are dysfunctional. 

We are made up of belief systems and many of them are dysfunctional, inaccurate and irresponsible. "The cup is either half full or half empty." Nonsense!  The cup is constantly overflowing with opportunities for success and we are the beneficiaries of this abundance. "Life has beaten me down."  Ridiculous!  There is only one thing that has the power to beat you down, and that's you. "Money brings happiness." Hogwash!  Take a closer look at some of the richest people in the world, they are miserable and their personal lives are a mess. "I can't help it, I was born this way." Poppycock! You were born with endless possibilities for greatness and no one in the history of time will ever have the ability to become you.

Bruce Lipton is a brilliant cellular biologist who specializes in genetics.  He discovered exactly how the body creates normal and pathological information, and telegraphs it to the cells.  His conclusions determined that environment, thoughts and perceptions are the only factors that creates healthy and diseased cells, and produces levels of happiness. In his studies, he took the exact same group of cells, placed them separately in two contrasting environments and found that they produced completely opposite results (even though they were identical cells). His conclusion: DNA does not determine who you are, rather thoughts and perceptions are the soul governing power and matrix that forms the characteristics of an individual. The spirit fluid within our thoughts and perceptions telegraphs to every cell in the body what is being perceived, and our entire being manifests the results.

So stop waiting for something to happen and take responsibility for happenings. Let everyday unfold into a masterpiece and spend your time creating joy in everything you do! Abandon the mistaken beliefs that money and things create happiness.  My son Brian has a saying above the fireplace in their home: "The greatest things in life are not things at all." Happiness is a place in the soul where peace and harmony intersect, its contagious and the most sought after characteristic in the world.

"Developing a magnificent attitude is wonderful and incredibly rewarding." This is a true statement! It is wonderful, it feels wonderful, it produces results, it creates light and energy, spreads joy and happiness, provides opportunity, delights in peace and harmony, promotes greatness, validates truth, believes in equality, edifies love, serves mankind, is praiseworthy, progresses forward... and the fruits of its labors are infinite. "There is no greater joy in the world than happiness!" 

It takes practice to develop a magnificent attitude, but first one must eliminate "stinking thinking!" Be conscious and recognize the difference between positive and negative thoughts when they start to develop.  There is a big difference between a person who has a problem and one who is a problem.  Learn to recognize the signs and if you are drifting into the negative zone, stop it immediately. Don't make excuses for yourself and own up to your behavior. Be responsible for your thoughts and perceptions by only allowing the positive ones to develop. 

Remember when you were little and your parents told you to "behave yourself!"  If everyone followed those two little words of council, the world would change in the twinkling of an eye.

One man with an extraordinary attitude was U.S. Marine Chesty Puller.  When he found himself surrounded by eight enemy divisions during the Korean War, his response was, "All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us and they're behind us.  They can't get away from us now!"

It takes integrity and self worth to recognize negative tendencies and it's the first step to healing.  Work to cultivate positive thinking and a paradigm shift will begin to occur (perceptions of the world and inner self will gradually change). Its always wise to remember that life is filled with obstacles, they are inevitable, but attitude makes all the difference in how you deal with those obstacles.  Attitude determines happiness, it makes good people great and great people seem immortal.  Attitude is not just a beautiful way, it's the only way. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


            Don't ever give up!

There are too many people who fall short of their goals when the trials in life get tough. The real measure of a soul comes from the strength that is created within the darkest hours.

Stay committed and ride the storm, pick up the pieces to rebuild a stronger foundation... because there will be another storm.   

Conflict, trials and tribulation can be unbearable at times and it may appear easier to throw in the towel, but that is not the answer.  "I believe things happen in this life to show us who we are, what we need to learn and who we are to become." Quitters are never winners and winners never quit; especially at the expense of others. 

Our creator has given us a lifetime to prove the worth of our soul, our integrity and the strength of our commitment. We need to use this time wisely and when the going gets tough, stick with the integrity of commitment! Many times we find ourselves at the crossroads and perhaps it seems easier to give up, than to bare the burden. I am grateful that the Savior didn't fall short of His commitments or take a detour.  We'd be SOL (sure out of luck) and its wonderful to coexist with dependable people who follow through on their words, actions and deeds.

Life is full of quitters.  They alway like to run the race, but they never cross the finish line. There are many who fall short of their goals because the terrain changes or they have personal weakness which allow them to drift into the wrong lane.  I have found that nothing in this life worth having comes easy. The definition of easy is: achieved without effort and in life, that is nothing to be proud of! 

Trials assist us in building character, they give us wisdom and allow us to develop the courage and strength to progress. There is a long list of the "great ones," throughout the history of this world, who's lives were built upon opposition: Jesus the Christ, Apostle Paul, Moses, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama are naming just a few.  They each gave individual sacrifices and some beyond that of comprehension, but all remained true to their commitments. 

This is my rendition of an old english tale and a poignant reminder of the importance of struggle and commitment. A little boy found a cocoon that was spun around the end of a branch.  He took it home, placed it in a jar and waited with anticipation to see the beginning of new life.  As each day passed, the little cocoon remain still; with no signs of movement. 

Within the dark walls of this cocoon, this tiny phenomena of nature, clearly understood the purpose of its creation.  No longer would it drag it's belly upon the dirt, rather it would fly into the great unknown, and fulfill the purpose for which it was created. Instinctively, it began fighting for this wonderful existence. In a relentless desire to break free from the surrounding darkness; its wings repeatedly battled with the inside of the cocoon.  Each flutter was a significant attempt to break away the spun fibers.  The very opposition that was holding the butterfly back, would give it the strength needed to fly for the rest of its life!

The young boy watched with deep concerns as the cocoon vibrated back and forth.  He feared that the butterfly would die trying to free itself from bondage, so he opened a hole at the bottom of the cocoon.  Without struggle, the butterfly slid out of the opening, but it didn't fly away as creation had intended. As a matter of fact, it couldn't fly at all and it struggled for its own existence. This beautiful butterfly would never become the full measure of its creation, because the opportunity to build strength for a solid existence had been eliminated. 

The strength needed for flight would have eventually come through the many efforts of trying, again and again to overcome the opposing forces.  The butterfly would have eventually broken the chains of darkness and set itself free! The untimely death of this beautiful creature resulted from a life made easy!  I am convinced, without the trials of life, there is no successful way to determine the worth or abilities of a single soul. 

There are many people who give up just short of their goals and perhaps not even realizing what's at stake, until it's too late.  There are parents who give up on their children and children who are left behind by the ravages of inadequate parenting. 

Once one decides that giving up is not an option, they never have to make that decision again and success is always forthcoming.  Much like the little butterfly, through an inherent desire to overcome the odds, flight is inevitable! By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.