On September 11, 2001, Americans suffered a terrorist attack upon our peaceful soil. The monsters who breed terrorism from generation to generation, (in the name of religion) were once again shedding blood. 

Thousands of innocent lives were destroyed in the blink of an eye, while the perpetrators delighted in the bloodshed. May we never minimized what happened to our fellow Americans on that dark and dreary day! 

Those who watched in horror at the attacks of 9/11 are still suffering from the gaping wounds. A peaceful nation had fallen prey to the criminal minds of Osama Bin Laden and his forces of evil. Whether in thoughts or in deeds, the innocent blood will never dry on the hands of those who murdered our comrades.     

There are mixed emotions about the circumstances surrounding the death of Bin Laden. Some believe that under no circumstances should a life be taken and many demand for justice to prevail. This topic is an issue in our country, as well as countries around the world. It's most certain that Americans agree on these two major issues: the murder of innocent people cannot be justified, and to excuse a crime of this magnitude is unconscionable. 

These deaths did not happened by accident or human error, nor were they causes of natural disasters. Osama Bin Laden was at the head of this demonic plan and it was executed by his criminals. These unbelievable acts of violence had stunned the human mind, and now there is a price to be paid for these vicious atrocities. 

"When someone takes the life of an innocent being, they relinquish their individual rights and privileges to life itself. Bottom line!  That is the price for shedding innocent blood."

Americans take pride in sustaining and uphold the laws of the land. It would be insane to allow criminals any privileges above and beyond our laws! Justice must be served and with a punishment to fit the crime. If we stand back and do nothing, nothing good can become of it, for apathy would convey to the world that terrorism is tolerated. No peace can be found in a country that lives under the constant threats of terror and violence.  

These acts of violence did not take place on a battlefield with soldiers, it was an inhumane act of cowardice! There is only pity and that of contempt for those who take the lives of innocent beings. The pain of sorrow must be preserved in honor of the victims and their families, who's lives were destroyed. The deaths of our fellow Americans left us with an enormous presence of absence and a flame of remorse that cannot be extinguished. To say that we have moved past this ugly tragedy would be a lie, for many Americans are finding it impossible to forget the unforgivable!

Darkness can only exist in the absent of light, and The United States of America is a light unto the entire world. All eyes rest upon our superior level of dignity. If we intend to continue to hold the torch of leadership, we must preserve our homeland. 
America is the only country in the world that is sustained by three of the highest decrees: In God we trust, The land of the free and The home of the brave.  May we always strive to live worthy of these privileges and forever preserve our noble heritage. By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.

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