$14,272,993,603,617 is the national debt and perpetually multiplying every second.

Tonight, I listened to the president's speech on cutting the budget by 4 trillion, over the next twelve years and it made my head spin.

First of all, he said, "We have to cut the budget and live within our means." Well, I have news for Obama.  I have been living within my means for over fifty years and when he says we... he must have a mouse in his pocket!  This statement offends me!  The American people didn't push government spending over the edge... congress and the presidents, past and present, managed to do that all by themselves.

The majority of Americans are living within their means.  It's appalling to me when politicians include, we.  We didn't have anything to do with the deficit and if it were up to the American people, we would do exactly what our parents taught us to do. We would act responsibly and stop all spending until our income exceeded the debt for a more positive outcome! 

Who would ever consider spending money they didn't have?  That's stupidity and failure at the highest level! "Oh, we are out of money? Okay, let's just print some more money and then when we run out of that money, we can borrow some money from our enemies at a high interest rate and pretend we are going to pay them back, but we can't reeeaallly pay them back because we don't have any more money... remember, we are broke!"  Honestly, elementary children have more business sense than our government.  

I don't mean to rail on President Obama, but I am a realist and I base my decisions on the facts.  In 2008, Obama, pledged 510 campaign promises to the American people and so far, the only promise he has kept is getting his girls a new dog! I despise rhetoric and deception.

 A few of Obama's broken promises.

*Stop spending and get the budget under control. Failed! It's predicted to double within his 4 year term in the White House. 

*Create foreclosure prevention. Failed! 2.8 million foreclosures last year with a predicted 3 million in 2011.

*Withdraw troops from Iraq. Failed! National Guard troops are being deployed each month. My son leaves, June 2011.

*Secure boarders. Failed! Estimated 11-12 million undocumented immigrants have entered the US since 2009.

*Cut the cost of family health insurance. Failed! The average family pays about $14,000 per year.

*Close Guantanamo Bay.  Failed! Detainment holds over 245 terrorist (not being prosecuted because of lack of evidence).  "Can you say, 9/11!"

*Restrict unwarranted wiretap. Failed! Government is more invasive and politically censored.

*He promised to allow public comments before signing bills. Failed! 12/24/2009 the Senate passed the Health bill without public option and Obama signed on the dotted line.

*Provide tax cuts for businesses hiring new employees. Failed!  Not even considered.

*Allow withdraws from 401k and retirement without penalties.  Failed!  

*To ban lobbyists from serving in his administration. Failed! Obama granted waivers for lobbyist to serve in his administration after he was elected.

*Reform earmarks. Failed to make changes, rather capitalized on earmarks. (Earmarks have been used as vehicles for waste, fraud and abuse. Projects have been inserted at the 11th hour, without review and merit, to satisfy the political agendas of a given legislator, rather than public's interest.)

*Eliminate Capital Gains for small businesses. Failed! Changed his mind. He said, "That probably is not going to be useful in solving the financial crisis."  

*Run a transparent administration. It's transparent all right.  It's so transparent that the American people can't see what's going on!

Our public officials need to understand what the word "promise" means. I believe, "A man is only as good as his word. If a man cannot stand behind his word, than we should not stand behind the man!"  

Its time for Americans to hold the leaders of this country accountable for their actions; we need honesty and moral integrity.  Leaders will rise to the levels of expectations and it's time to expect more from those who direct the affairs of this country. 

The budget could be balanced in a few years if we stopped sending our hard earned tax dollars to foreign countries.  The government is sending billions of dollars to countries that despise the American people! How is that working for us?  Maybe one fine day "we" can find the wisdom to elect better leaders. By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.

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