I learned a valuable lesson a number of years ago when I visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona. We were at the North rim when the naturalist guide showed us a twisted, gnarled, old juniper tree which was literally growing out of the rock canyon wall by the lookout point. We wondered how it could possibly continue to grow. Then our guide told us an interesting bit of history accompanying this old tree.

A juniper seed is shaped somewhat like a cantaloupe seed.  One of these little seeds fell into a crevice near the edge of the canyon wall. Everything was solid rock. It appeared that the seed could not possibly germinate since there was no soil, little if any water, and virtually no sunshine down in the crevice. Yet this little seed was not concerned about these limitaions.  It had but one burning desire and that was to fulfill the measure of its creation.

In a manner that we cannot fathom, that little seed germinated, implanted roots into that solid rock, and began to grow.  Gradually it raised a shoot through the crevice where it could see sunshine and a little rain.

As it continued to grow and expand into a full-fledged, though misshapen, tree, its trunk and its roots began to exert a continuing pressure on the outer ledge of the rock.  Finally, the pressure became so great that one entire large section of the canyon wall broke loose and crumbled into a massive heap near the base of the canyon, nearly one mile straight down.

The guide said it was estimated that forty-million tons if rock lay at the base of this tremendous canyon because, you see, that little seed didn't know it couldn’t grow there.  And, it just wouldn't give up!  

When you are faced with the trials of life and feel as though you cannot go on, remember the valuable lesson of the tiny juniper seed.  You, like the seed, have every right to grow and to reach the full measure of your creation. No matter how insignificant you think you are, the truth is, you are a literal child of God and He has given you the power and strength to become great and magnificent.  Through blessings, the Lord will magnify your capacity to reach the full measure of your potential.  Linda Sumner Urza: 

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