Occasionally, I've heard statements condemning religion for being the evil contributor in the destruction of the world; what foolish stories we tell ourselves.

Most people are familiar with the Ten Commandments and understand that they were given to assist mankind in promoting righteous endeavors.  It has been said that if everyone obeyed only half the commandments, the world would become a better place in which to live. It is not the practice of religion that kills the innocent and plunders the earth with evil intent, it is the lack there of.

Since the beginning of time, people have rationalized their behavior by not taking responsibility for their actions.  Some have even blamed religion collectively for the adversities of life. This is like blaming the automobile industry ever time a person is killed in a car accident.  I've been around long enough to see the cause and effect of my own actions and understand how my decisions affect others.  This life is all about personal choice and accountability: good begets good, ignorance begets ignorance, and evil begets evil.

There are those who believe that they "don't need to go to church to draw closer to God," which is much like saying that they don't need nourishment to sustain life.  How can one profess to be on "the team" when they never show up for practice?

Christ left behind His perfect example for all to follow; an example free from guile, hatred, and bigotry.  He did not force anyone to adhere to his teachings, quite the contrary, he invited them to "come follow Him" and taught the principles of loving without boundaries and forgiving without conditions.  I shudder to think what would become of this world without the collective majority of christians, who constantly strive to live God's laws.

Easter is the celebration of the Savior's resurrection and is considered one of the most important moments in earthly history. The announcement of "He is risen" signaled that death had been conquered and the Atonement accomplished.  Jesus' resurrection is the marvelous witness that eternal life proceeds the pain of death... a truthful story worth sharing with others.  Written by Linda Sumer Urza, One fine day.

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