xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo The Ron Davis Family
The fun times we had together will be cherished and our memories will live on. You "quack us up" and we love to share your sense of humor. Happy "16" Tristin! We love you!
Tristin, thanks for spending so much time with me. We had a lot of fun together and I always looked up to you - cause you're so much taller than me! lol
Thanks for being my best friend and you play a tough video game. I had fun when you stayed over at my house all those days. You are the older brother I always wanted to have and I was glad when you were around. I miss you Tristin!
Love, Alec
Tristin, you rocked our world and we loved you for that! Heaven embraced you with open arms, but you are missed in our lives. What great fun we had recently when you stayed at our house with Grandma Linda. It was the best week ever and we were all so grateful to be able to spend time with you; we will cherish it forever. Your kindness was alway exceptional and we felt privileged to be in your presence. Today, we celebrate nearly "16" years with a young man who captured our hearts and inspired us to be better. We love you again, and again, and again.
Uncle David, Aunt Kellie, Alec, Karlie, & Savanna

Love, Auntie Christa, Uncle Jeff, Mya, Celine, Livia, and Eva
The sunflower is the only flower that is perfect for a son. We love you Tristin!
Tristin, today is a very special day in our family, for today we celebrated your 16th birthday with a party and lots of Laffy Taffy treats. Jabez and Asher thought it was one of the best days of their lives, as they ate their treats (Jabez' smile is so big that it looks like he has a hanger in his mouth)! Travler is in St. George visiting his Grandparents and he's sad to miss out because he's our sugar bug and loves treats. He also loves you Tristin! The boys always knew that they had a special friend when you were around and our lives were touched in so many ways by your tenderness. I have had some special moments lately... just thinking about you and knowing you are in Heaven watching us as we become better people. Happy birthday my dear Tristin, we will love you always.
Love, Aunt Lee Lee, Uncle Tryson, Gentry, Travler, Jabez & Asher.
Today we celebrated the love that we all share for Tristin. Good friends and family members came together for a birthday party to make memories and heal the broken hearts. Those who were there had a great time sharing stories of friendship and love. We would like to keep this new tradition of "Laffy Taffy Happy Birthday Tristin" and celebrate it each year. It brought us together from around the world and gave us all reasons to laugh and celebrate life. Everyone had a wonderful time and we are loving the jokes that are being posted on facebook.

A time to share, a time to reflect and a time to hold on to the precious memories. They are youthful spirits with caring hearts and emotions that run deep. Their friendships are genuine and they will be cherished forever. Friends are truely a source of inspiration.
It has been said, "Your family was the very first choice you made in Heaven and they were chosen from those whom you loved the most."

These are the pictures that were taken of the sky that evening, off in the distance from where we were celebrating Tristin's party. The light streaming through the clouds broke long enough to let us know, that God allows Heaven to speak to those who will listen.
Thank you everyone, for coming together and making this day possible. The love that is continually given, has exceeded that of human kindness and for this we are eternally grateful.
By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
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