"I entered into this world frail and innocent, but I knew deep inside that I possessed all the capabilities of becoming a valiant warrior in the realms of life."
Most of the cattle would turn their backs to the icy winds. They would slowly drift downward until they were piled up against the fence, where they died by the scores. The Hereford cattle were exceptional. This breed of cattle would instinctively turn their heads toward the storm and stand, shoulder to shoulder, facing the storm's wrath. With their heads turned downward, the onslaught of the raging storm would soar off their thick backs and protect their bodies from the bitter cold. They were always found alive and well, for they instinctively knew how to weather the storm.

What do creators do? They continually create each moment of every day. The clearer the intentions, the greater the ability to create.
Those wonderful individuals who desire to create divine light, energy, peace, harmony, love, dignity, kindness, hope, faith, truth, justice, wellness, service compassion, endurance, charity, integrity, humility, benevolence, health, freedom and so on, have the ability to translate the divine laws into powerful actions to lift humanity. These individuals use words of increase to teach others and share the abundance of light. They are the givers.
The lowest level of creators produce anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, resentment, war, suffering, poverty, anxiety, disease, hunger, famine, desolation, discord, murder, thievery, pain, lies, control, injustice, grief, hatred, selfishness and so on. These individuals use words of decrease with the clear intentions to destroy the hearts of the pure and innocent. They desire to extinguish the light. They are the takers.

An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My son, there's a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, & ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, & truth." The boy thought about it and asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee quietly replied, "The one you feed."
Its simple to distinguish what is being created through our actions. One cannot serve two masters, either the greater or the lessor prevails. The ultimate goal individually is to becoming totally conscious of what we are creating within the space we are given, and collectively we have a responsibility to teach by our examples. The purpose of a life on earth is for the small and weak to become great and significant through virtuous endeavors. By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
HaPpY BiRtHdAy TrIsTiN, JuLy 18, 2011

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo The Ron Davis Family
The fun times we had together will be cherished and our memories will live on. You "quack us up" and we love to share your sense of humor. Happy "16" Tristin! We love you!
Tristin, thanks for spending so much time with me. We had a lot of fun together and I always looked up to you - cause you're so much taller than me! lol
Thanks for being my best friend and you play a tough video game. I had fun when you stayed over at my house all those days. You are the older brother I always wanted to have and I was glad when you were around. I miss you Tristin!
Love, Alec
Tristin, you rocked our world and we loved you for that! Heaven embraced you with open arms, but you are missed in our lives. What great fun we had recently when you stayed at our house with Grandma Linda. It was the best week ever and we were all so grateful to be able to spend time with you; we will cherish it forever. Your kindness was alway exceptional and we felt privileged to be in your presence. Today, we celebrate nearly "16" years with a young man who captured our hearts and inspired us to be better. We love you again, and again, and again.
Uncle David, Aunt Kellie, Alec, Karlie, & Savanna

Love, Auntie Christa, Uncle Jeff, Mya, Celine, Livia, and Eva
The sunflower is the only flower that is perfect for a son. We love you Tristin!
Tristin, today is a very special day in our family, for today we celebrated your 16th birthday with a party and lots of Laffy Taffy treats. Jabez and Asher thought it was one of the best days of their lives, as they ate their treats (Jabez' smile is so big that it looks like he has a hanger in his mouth)! Travler is in St. George visiting his Grandparents and he's sad to miss out because he's our sugar bug and loves treats. He also loves you Tristin! The boys always knew that they had a special friend when you were around and our lives were touched in so many ways by your tenderness. I have had some special moments lately... just thinking about you and knowing you are in Heaven watching us as we become better people. Happy birthday my dear Tristin, we will love you always.
Love, Aunt Lee Lee, Uncle Tryson, Gentry, Travler, Jabez & Asher.
Today we celebrated the love that we all share for Tristin. Good friends and family members came together for a birthday party to make memories and heal the broken hearts. Those who were there had a great time sharing stories of friendship and love. We would like to keep this new tradition of "Laffy Taffy Happy Birthday Tristin" and celebrate it each year. It brought us together from around the world and gave us all reasons to laugh and celebrate life. Everyone had a wonderful time and we are loving the jokes that are being posted on facebook.

A time to share, a time to reflect and a time to hold on to the precious memories. They are youthful spirits with caring hearts and emotions that run deep. Their friendships are genuine and they will be cherished forever. Friends are truely a source of inspiration.
It has been said, "Your family was the very first choice you made in Heaven and they were chosen from those whom you loved the most."

These are the pictures that were taken of the sky that evening, off in the distance from where we were celebrating Tristin's party. The light streaming through the clouds broke long enough to let us know, that God allows Heaven to speak to those who will listen.
Thank you everyone, for coming together and making this day possible. The love that is continually given, has exceeded that of human kindness and for this we are eternally grateful.
By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
I have always prayed each day that Heavenly Father will allow the angels to go before me and prepare for my safe journey. This Wednesday, July 13, 2011, the angels did exactly that and through a miracle my life was spared.
I was traveling to Salt Lake City to visit my family. My son in law had enrolled in a life mastery course and my son David and I wanted to stop by and see him before his class.
While David was parking his car, I started walking through the parking lot toward the door of the office complex. Suddenly, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out of a parking space. I was struck by the back of the car on my right side and knocked instantly to the ground. The vehicle rolled over me and dragged me underneath the carriage of the car for about four feet.
While David was parking his car, I started walking through the parking lot toward the door of the office complex. Suddenly, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out of a parking space. I was struck by the back of the car on my right side and knocked instantly to the ground. The vehicle rolled over me and dragged me underneath the carriage of the car for about four feet.
By a miracle, I managed to hold on to the bumper with my left hand and struggled frantically to keep myself from being pulled completely underneath the carriage of the automobile. Then I attempted to pound on the back of the vehicle with my right hand, hoping the driver would hear me and stop the car! He stopped for a split second and I thought I was going to be freed from this horrible experience. (Evidence later proved that the children in the car had alerted him about the banging noises.) At that time he apparently looked out his back window, but didn't see anything and started backing up again! (When the car had come to a stop, I began struggling to free myself from underneath the vehicle, but he had put his car in reverse and proceeded to back over me once more.) The vehicle lunged backward and I was dragged several more feet! I screamed and held on tight to his bumper with every attempt to keep his car from crushing my body.
The driver noticed that several people from the parking lot were running toward his vehicle and he got out of his car to see what was happening. (He had ear phones in his ears and the volume of the music was turned up so loud that it was impossible for him to hear my screams or the pounding on the car!)
When he saw me under the back of his vehicle, he panicked. He jumped in the drivers seat and accidently put the car in reverse and again ran the car up over me for the third time. At this point, there were several people who had come to my rescue; they were attempting to push the back of the car off my body and beating on his trunk to get him to move the car forward.
My life had flashed before me and my thoughts revealed my worst fears. I am going to die underneath the wheels of this car, God please spare me this experience! Adrenaline became my source of physical power and I fought with all my strength and determination to do what ever it was going to take to stay alive. The third time the vehicle lunged backward it forced my legs over to the right side of the car and instinctively, I sensed the wheels would run over my legs if I didn't keep my body straight. The car was pushed forward by several people and I was freed from under the carriage.
The ambulance and police arrived shortly thereafter. I was in a fog mentally. It was difficult for me to understand what they were saying, for the questions sounded a bit like Charlie Brown's mother, "Wa wa wa wa wa." I realized later that I was in shock. I also learned that the man who was driving the car was taken to jail. He had three previous DUI violations and the police considered this incident to be an extreme case of negligence. (If the music had not been blaring through his head, he would have been conscious enough to hear the warning signals and the injuries I sustained might have been less severe!)
I have always prayed for angels to go before me to prepare the way for my safe journey. This Wednesday I realized the power of my prayers, for my life could have been over in an instant, yet it was preserved. The under carriage of the car was within inches from crushing my chest and somehow I was consciously able to avoid the back wheels of the car and keep my legs away from them.
I was amazed at the physical strength I had to keep my body from being pulled completely under the car, because the friction of the asphalt was constantly tugging against my back. I believe in miracles and I believe in the power of prayer! I testify that God and angels heard the voice of my plea for which I am so grateful.
My son saw this happen from across the parking lot and he was in shock as he witnessed the ordeal. He later stated that it was a traumatic experience to see his mother completely underneath the car and watching it drag her body across the asphalt.
I often see people texting while driving, talking on their cell phones or wearing earphones - all these choices block out consciousness. I realize how selfish and negligent these choices are and write this message today with the desire that others may be more considerate and responsible.
Many little insignificant accidents happen during the day when people are not paying attention. A glass of spilt milk, tripping over an object or smashing ones fingers in the car door are all accidents with simple remedies, but taking the life of another person can never be restored. May we all be more conscious as we go about our daily activities. Once an incident happens, its impossible to undo the severe damages of carelessness and irresponsibility.
Many little insignificant accidents happen during the day when people are not paying attention. A glass of spilt milk, tripping over an object or smashing ones fingers in the car door are all accidents with simple remedies, but taking the life of another person can never be restored. May we all be more conscious as we go about our daily activities. Once an incident happens, its impossible to undo the severe damages of carelessness and irresponsibility.
It has been twenty-four hours since the accident occurred. I am in a lot of pain, but I am grateful to be alive. My body feels like and a piece of paper that someone wadded up into a crumpled ball and then tried to straighten it back to its original form (no matter how many times one tries to smooth out the wrinkles, the paper won't go back to the perfect condition it once held).
Yesterday my life almost came to an end because someone was not conscious enough to act responsibly. Please think about the cause and affect of your actions, for in a split second many lives can traumatically change forever. This young man might have gone to prison for manslaughter and I... would be pushing up daisies!
My greatest blessings have come from the answers to my prayers. I thank Heavenly Father for allowing me the opportunity for life and I will continue to pray for His blessings to go before me and prepare the way for a safe journey! By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
The gifts that I cherish above all others are the legacies of moral integrity left behind by my ancestors. They did not leave a dowery of financial wealth, rather they left something far more valuable than that of earthly possessions.
Their examples of personal integrity, along with their willingness to sustain each other through their hardships, has been a strength to me my entire life. Their commitment toward excellence has reinforced my desire to endure and has given me the strength to withstand unbearable pressures, especially during difficult times.
Their examples of personal integrity, along with their willingness to sustain each other through their hardships, has been a strength to me my entire life. Their commitment toward excellence has reinforced my desire to endure and has given me the strength to withstand unbearable pressures, especially during difficult times.
Eva, my grandmother was widowed when she was a young mother and struggled to raise five children alone. She worked full time to provide for her children and didn't retire until she was in her seventies. I remember watching her walk to and from work every day, through sun, rain, sleet, hail and snow. I never heard her complain about the trials in life, nor did she place blame for her heavy burdens. My grandmother held her head high and walked the strait and narrow all the days of her life.
She didn't work in an air conditioned office with insurance benefits or holiday pay, nor did she take a dime from the government. She didn't believe the government owed her a living and she certainly didn't have any expectations of getting something for nothing. Her work ethics proceeded her and she proved a level of dignity that was beyond reproach.
She never traveled the world, wore designer clothing or even owned a car. Yet, from her simple beginnings and throughout her life, I gained a tremendous sense of respect and self worth through her example. She taught me that the impossible was indeed possible, with a little elbow grease and a lot of determination.
Eva made her own laundry soap, washed her clothes in an old wringer washer and hung them on the clothes lines to dry. She cooked everything from scratch, canned hundreds of bottles of fruits, juices, meats and vegetables. She learned to sew with perfection and crocheted beautifully. Each year she planted a large garden and always had a few chickens running around the yard. I remember watching her catch a chicken to prepare for Sunday dinner; a sight that is still fresh in my mind! She plucked every feather out by hand and her fried chicken tasted chicken lick'en good long before Cornell Sanders came into the picture.
Times were extremely tough for our ancestors. Their sacrifices made our lives easier and perhaps to a certain downfall. When things are made too easy, it eliminates the desire to succeed. I pray that I can be an example to my posterity as my grandmother has been to me.
My grandchildren deserve to experience the challenges of defeat. I want them to run a hard race, only to realize that someone else is better, faster and stronger! Defeat creates an insatiable desire to excel, along with the knowledge and humility that winning isn't everything.
I don't want them to expect anything, rather they deserve to earn everything! When they get their first job, I would like them to remember, "There are a hundred qualified people waiting to take their place" and to work hard to give an honest day. Giving their very best is enough, but having a desire to do better is the ultimate goal.
May they refuse to believe that their country owes them a living, rather they believe that they owe a life of service and gratitude to their country. May they clearly understand the laws of compensation by: working hard, playing less, giving more, loving endlessly, forgiving unconditionally and living to their fullest potential, with the desire to magnify the reason for their creation.
May they refuse to believe that their country owes them a living, rather they believe that they owe a life of service and gratitude to their country. May they clearly understand the laws of compensation by: working hard, playing less, giving more, loving endlessly, forgiving unconditionally and living to their fullest potential, with the desire to magnify the reason for their creation.
They are encouraged to: dance in the rain, sing in the shower, laugh out loud, cry when it hurts, trust the truth, pray with a passion, believe in miracles, live with enthusiasm, love without guile, be humbly honest, connect by caring, promote peace, reach out to others, have a purpose, develop genuine gratitude, silence the storms, keep their innocence and choose to assist in creating a world with endless possibilities. By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
Three of her children, William, Claudine (my mother) and Dora.
Three of her children, William, Claudine (my mother) and Dora.
I have noticed in a world of chaos, there are some people who have the strength to remain solid, regardless of the endless challenges. Trials strike repeatedly, but they endure the buffetings as though the tribulations have no power against them. I truly admire those who have the strength and character to stand firm amidst the turmoils of life, and their great example emulates enough light to leads others to safety.
One of my favorite stories illustrates the strength and power of knowing ones direction, and being grounded in that purpose. Its a story about a career naval officer who finally got his four stripes, became a captain, and then was given command of a giant battleship.
While on maneuvers in the Atlantic, during the dead of the night, the officer of the deck was cautiously piloting the warship through fog-shrouded waters. With straining eyes he scanned the hazy darkness, searching for dangers lurking just out of sight, when his worst fears were realized. There in front of them was a bright light straight ahead and on a collision course with the ship.
The sleeping captain was immediately summoned from his quarters to the bridge and told about a signal light in the distance. To avert disaster he quickly told the signalman, “Signal them to bear ten degrees starboard.” To the captain’s amazement however, the foggy image did not move, but instead, sent back a signal saying, “Bear ten degrees starboard.”
Appalled at the audacity of the message, the indignant captain, insulted by the blatant refusal to respect his rank as a commander of a battleship, the biggest thing afloat, and the pride of the fleet said, “Signal that light again and tell them that this Captain orders them to bear ten degrees starboard now.”
A second time the oncoming light did not budge. “With all due respect, Captain,” came the signal again, “I am a Seaman First Class and I order you to alter your course immediately ten degrees starboard!”
Angered and frustrated that this impudent sailor would endanger the lives of his men and crew, the captain signaled back, “Seaman, I can have you court-martialed for this! For the last time, I command you on the authority of the United States government to alter your course ten degrees starboard! I am a battleship!”
The seaman’s final transmission was chilling: “Captain, sir. Once again with all due respect, I command you to alter your course ten degrees starboard! I am a lighthouse!”
In the ignorance of darkness, the battleship had challenged the very authority that had the power to preserve the lives aboard the ship. The battleship immediately moved! There are many who stand as lighthouses in a dark world.
Their light continually guides others to safety, even during the most difficult storms. These individuals face life with the strength to create a safe passage for others to follow. Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
Thomas Jefferson began studying with a tutor at the age of five. By age nine he had mastered three languages, Latin,Greek and French. At age fourteen he was studying additional languages and literature. By the age of sixteen he had entered into college. He studied law for five years and by age twenty-three he owned his own law practice. When he was twenty-five he was elected into the Virginia House of Burgesses. By age thirty-one, he retired from law and wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America." He was a delegate to the Second Continental Congress when he was thirty-two. Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence when only thirty-three years old, then took three years to revise Virginia's legal code, wrote the Public Education bill, and a Statute for Religious Freedom. At age thirty-six he was elected the second governor of Virginia. When he was forty he served two years in Congress. He was forty-one when be became the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. When he was forty-six he served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington. At fifty-three he was vice president of our country and also elected president of the American Philosophical Society. He drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of the Republic party at fifty-five and by fifty-seven he was elected the third president of the United States of America. At age sixty Jefferson obtained the Louisiana Purchase and doubled the nation's size. He was elected to a second term as president when he was sixty-one. He retired for a time at age sixty-five to Monticello. By age eighty he assisted President Monroe in shaping the Monroe Doctrine and at eighty-one he created the University of Virginia and served as its first president. At eighty-three he died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
President John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white house for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. President Kennedy made this statement, "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever gathered at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
Quotes from a brilliant leader: Thomas Jefferson
"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe."
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny' when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
"Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."
"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies; and the principles of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
"Thomas Jefferson desired to build from the people up! This extra ordinary man lived in ordinary times, yet he shaped our county with his brilliant mind and high ideals. Today our country is being threatened by a government that has become the very "beast" that our forefathers fled. We must elect leaders who will reestablish the principles this nations was founded upon. If not, we will watch a great nation be swallowed up in the quagmire of rampant government. If we don't reclaim our integrity, the words freedom and liberty will only exist in the history books. We deserve to have conservative, moral, and ethical values leading the future of this country!"
By, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
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