The 'Leave it to Beaver' world, where life was tranquil, wholesome and safe is a thing of the past. Today, our teenagers have become the spectators in a pathetic arena, much like the crowds of ancient Rome, and many parents are turning a blind eye to the harmful affects that this is having on their family. We are slowly watching the degradation of our world, and television is becoming the threshold to our lowly demise. Young kids are getting consumed in the dark side of a pendulum that's swinging out of control. The producers of these reality shows probably don't allow their own children to watch half of the trash that they are subjecting to the younger generation!
I was saddened when I saw a clip from an episode of the Osborn family. Filthy obscenities made up the majority of the parent's vocabulary and it was continuously flung at their children! All for the sake of what, entertainment and money? It's not surprising that two of their three children have been to rehab twice, for serious drug addictions. In an interview with, Sharon Osborn, she stated that she was troubled because her children were having so many problems. Dah, the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree!
The news is filled with stories about Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Christina Aguilera, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen and so on. Lately, we've seen their faces in mug shots more regularly than on the big screen and it becomes nauseating. If the Hollywood degenerates don't lead the next generation astray, then shows like Friday Night Lights, Jersey Shore, Vampire Diaries, Skins and Shameless will continue to suck out what little virtue is left! This generation of young people are being exploited on a steady diet of sex, foul language, violence, drugs and alcohol. Sometimes, I wonder what planet we're on! Parents need to become more proactive! If the audiences dwindle for these disgusting programs, they will be cancelled and replaced with entertainment that is more conducive!
I have always been very selective in the type of entertainment that was in my home. My children knew that I would take a bullet to the heart, before I would let anything destroy their brilliant minds and spirits. Once I found a cassette tape in the car that wasn't in harmony with the standards of our home and without hesitation, I pitched it out the window going 65 mph down the freeway. My son, who was in the car at the time, informed me that it belonged to one of his friends who'd forgotten it there. I told him to tell his friend that he could find it somewhere along the side of the road, on I-15 going north. My son told me a few years later, (after he became a father) that he respected my ability to be consistent and not only did I set the standards, but I lived by them.
We are paying the ultimate price in allowing the media to exploit the young minds of our children through sex, violence and drugs. Teen pregnancy is at an all time high, alcohol and drugs are destroying our youth daily, suicide is the leading cause of deaths in teenagers and sexually transmitted diseases are reaching epidemic levels. There are 253,500 new cases of sexually transmitted infections in the state of Wisconsin alone - every year! The Center for Disease Control states that our children are being sexualized in ads, movies and on the internet. We are literally ruining the lives of millions of children and future generations when we sit back and do nothing. My personal belief is, "It's a dark society that allows its youth to become perverted by the lack of responsible supervision, if we do nothing, evil will perpetuate."
The beautiful world we once knew is slowly slipping away through the ignorance of apathy. Our planet is no longer a safe place to dwell. I wouldn't be surprised if the crop circles covering the earth are messages to advanced civilizations in outer space. The extra terrestrials who have visited this planet and witnessed how we are raising our young, might be sending out warning signals..."There is no intelligent life form on earth!" By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.
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