Getting Past Yourself!

Have you looked at the faces of people lately?  I was in Costco today waiting for a family member and I got completely caught up watching people come and go (I suggest the next time you have a moment in public, look around).  I was sad to see how many people resembled the walking corpses in The Night of The Living Dead.  Their faces were lifeless and void of expression!  I wondered the price these people had to pay to be in their own presence. 

It was sad to watch and I wondered who or what had sucked the life out of these wonderful people!  Occasionally, there were human beings that emerged from the crowd that were glowing with radiance, but they were few, far and in between.   These wonderful souls reminded me of the rainbow that appears right after a dark and dreary storm!  These people possessed a countenance that radiated gratitude and happiness, their eyes were sparkling with the passion of life, and they all seemed to possess a powerful strength to counteract the frigid world around them.   

There were many obvious things about these content and happy people.  They were constantly looking for opportunities to make a difference in the space around them.   While others were suspended in a sleep state, these good people were eagerly engaging in a life that had value and their presence was powerful beyond measure.   They all seemed to possess the same attributes.  They were polite and kind to those around them, they were genuinely complimentary to others, and their spirits seemed to overflow with gratitude!   I wanted to jump out of my seat and follow these bright and shining people like an excited child would march after the Pied Piper.  

I was taken aback by the contrast of the two entities and I realized their was a tangible energy coming from those who had chosen to emulate a positive message.  The light and energy surrounding them was so visibly that I could almost reach out and touch its essence.  I blinked my eyes several times in amazement as I watched this unfold.   Strangers were intentionally gravitating toward them with the desire to interact.  It was incredible to witness this magnetic pull, but quite the opposite effect was happening for those individuals who resembling the walking dead; people were going out of the way to keep their distance.  I was amazed at the visible contrast between the two forces.  

I wondered what my spirit looks like from afar?  Was I wearing a dark and dreary armor of death and woe is me or was I shining in my own light?  At that moment I made a conscious decision to change the space surrounding me through my thoughts and actions and to be constantly aware of how I interact.  I am going to get past myself and remember the divine reasons I am here in this life!  

It takes a committed desire to change, but in reality how much time does it really take to see something incredibly wonderful about someone and let it be known?  I've been around long enough to see there is a lot of pain in the world and there are many people in need of a soft place to fall.  If we resolve to make a difference through a few simple changes, we can soften the world through our example.  We can perpetuate the brilliant light emulating from within; you know, that perfect light thats draws others into a more positive center of influence.  

I wanted to change the space around me, to start giving from the "inside out" and to be a constant contributor of love and well being.  After this experience, I came home and wrote down six positive affirmations to help me remember who I am and to assist me in staying focused on my new resolutions.  

Draw light and inspiration from the source of creation and constantly emulate it from within.  

Commit to genuine acts of kindness daily (great or small, they are precious gifts to be given)! 

Love others for who they are and do not judge or condemn them for who they are not.

In a world where I can be anything...  be a good one!

Live with a greater purpose in mind, (there's not an opportunity to pass this way again)!

Live an authentic life.

This year will fly by like the wind and there are no recalls, rebates, or redoes with "time gone by".  We all have the power to change the very elements that surround us and it will take a "higher level of consciousness" to raise the next generation, but everyone has a role to play!  Individually, start by getting past yourself to see what's on the other side of ho hum... it might be surprising to find out that it's a better you!  by, Linda sumner Urza, One Fine Day.  

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