Today is Mother's Day and I want to take time to thank my children for making life so sweet. My children are my best friends and there's no one I'd rather spend time with than family. So, here's to the ones that made the difference in my life!

Thank you for your love and kindness, especially your examples of genuine care and concern for others.  Many times I have witnessed your willingness to assist strangers in need, without judgement or conditions; you inspire me with your generosity and I hope to grow up to be just like all of you!

Thanks for the "goofy sense of humor and practical jokes" that you have kept in perpetual motion!  I have enjoyed a lifetime of laughter and there's never a dull moment when we're together. The hilarious skits and talents you have shared over the years has given me a lifetime of cherished memories! My favorite is when each one of you kept changing the screen saver on my phone to your goofy selfies and writing across the screen, "MOM LOVES ME BEST!" I never knew who's picture would pop up next.  How in the world you got my phone without me knowing is still a mystery and yes you are right, I ALWAYS loved you best!

Thanks for the great food and believe it or not, the boys can out cook the girls. Sorry girls, but it's true. Your brothers bring it on every time.  Not that you aren't great cooks, cause you are, but they seem to be fearless!

Thanks for being wonderful parents and for teaching your children honesty and self respect. I guess all those times you were grounded and had to work your way out of the "dog house" has taught you the value and importance of choice and accountability.  Sweeeeeeet and passing it on to the second generation, no less!

Thanks for supporting a strong work ethic and for not being afraid to apply yourselves. You've always stood head and shoulders above mediocre and if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, "Quitters never win and winners never quit." Thanks for pushing yourselves; the picture of success is always much clearer at the top.

Thanks for calling and texting me everyday! There is nothing better for a mother than to get a messages from her child that says, "Where the heck are you??? I am trying to get ahold of you and you're not answering your phone, I am worried! Contact me right away."  Ha, I am just getting back at you for all those teenage years when I said the same things to you!

I laugh every time I think that during high school, some of you spent months plotting to get out of the house... and the rest of your lives trying to get back in!!! Guess I got the last laugh on that one!

I don't have words to express how much I love each one of you and I wouldn't change a thing. When you were younger, the tears in life built strength and wisdom, the struggles brought about loyalty and devotion, and the laughter just made it all worth it! Thanks again for the best run of my life!   I love each of you with all my heart.  Hugs and kisses, Mom

P.S. The best gifts you ever gave me were the grandchildren.  Couldn't be more proud of them!


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