Is Romney out of touch with the average American? Yes, he is, but not for the reason people accuse him. He is out of touch because most Americans just can’t comprehend living the “Mormon lifestyle” and when you have lived it your entire life, you forget that it isn’t normal.
A big problem for Romney is that he seems to have forgotten that most Americans don’t realize how much of a Mormon’s life is devoted to service. So the average American doesn’t know how much of Romney’s personal life has been devoted to service. To Romney, this level of service is standard. It is what he was raised watching and what he has personally lived.
When you have devoted so much of your life to your faith, centered in charity, it can be a bit shocking to be called selfish, greedy and uncaring. It doesn’t really help Romney as a politician that it can be very uncomfortable as a Mormon to talk about your charitable deeds to others since your service is not something you use to make yourself look better.
Romney served as a Bishop and Stake President in the LDS church. These positions entail overseeing the spiritual, emotional and economic welfare of the people in your geographical area. The Bishop personally oversees the extensive welfare program of the church. When parents lose their jobs and need help financially, they meet with the Bishop. When a father runs out on his wife and kids, the Bishop is responsible for making sure that family’s needs are met.
A Bishop and Stake President oversees the personal welfare of all the members of the congregations they preside over. A Bishop and Stake President will deal personally with some of the worst situations families and individuals might face in their lifetime. On average they will spend 20-30 hours of their time each week in unpaid service fulfilling these callings, while still working their full time secular jobs.
Romney served in these positions for more than 10 years. This would equal over 10,000 hours of unpaid service. It would be incredibly difficult to serve as a Bishop and Stake President and be out-of-touch with average Americans because every day of your life you are in service to average Americans on a very personal level. You serve these people and you come to love the people you serve. Yet, you will never hear Romney brag about this. You might think it is because he wants to stay away from the “Mormon” label, but Mormons know differently.
You won’t hear him brag about it because you just don’t use church service as a political tool. It would offend your spirit to use the blessing you were given to be able to serve in these capacities as a way to make yourself look better. This is why Romney is out of touch with the average American. Most can’t comprehend that people actually live this kind of lifestyle, truly giving of so much of their time and money on a daily basis in quiet, unheralded service. To use that service as a way to gain something for yourself, would be offensive to anyone that is serving for the right reasons.
So people can call Romney greedy, selfish and out of touch with the average American, but Mormons understand why Romney seems so uneasy confronting these accusations. Mormons understand why Romney won’t stand up and tout his tens of thousands of hours of personal service and his millions of dollars he has given to charity. He didn’t give of his time and money to one day become president of the United States. He did it because he loves God and he loves the people he has been asked to serve. You just don’t use that kind of love or service as a political tool.
So yes, his Mormon upbringing, beliefs and lifestyle will probably continue to keep him out of touch with the average American and it makes him a somewhat awkward politician, but Mitt Romney, despite his millions of dollars, has a better understanding for what many Americans are going through more than many others because it was his life to understand it and try to help people deal with difficult personal issues for over a decade, on a day-to-day basis.   Article written by: Diane Rice

(If you want a president who will serve the people, you must elect a man who believes that service to his fellow man is more important than power, money and greed.) Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day