There seems to be a drug available today for every ailment imaginable, but maybe taking more medication is not always the answer. The dangerous side effects from drugs can often outweigh the consequence of the illness. Have you read any of the warning labels on prescription drugs lately?  Only a science fiction thriller could create a scenario more frightening than the effects these drugs have on the human body. 

Drug companies are constantly working to promote more drugs.  That's why they're in business, they only see dollar signs $$$, but are drugs the only solution?  There's detailed health information available at our finger tips on the internet. Do the home work!

We are constantly being bombarded by the media with drug "cure alls" and the commercials on depression and anxiety are relentless. I get depressed just watching them.  When I was a child, people were too busy for despair. We had chores, school, paper routes, band practice, and homework. Each family member carried their load and worked hard to make life better. We actually engaged in "a real life" because our parents taught us that the future of this country depended upon our success. 

I am not saying that all medications are bad, but I think it’s imperative to understand the side effects they induce, which in many cases are far worse than the illness.  
My how things have changed! I remember four things I worried about as a child: a stomach ache, the common cold, a sore throat and getting bit by Mrs. Greenstreet’s snotty nosed, rat haired dog!  The only time we were taken to the doctor was for a gapping flesh wound or when someone stopped breathing, and occasionally someone stopped breathing when they realized they had a gapping flesh wound.  
Mother's were creative and used band aides, ginger ale, cod liver oil, heating pads, ice packs and ace bandages.  The statistics for my generation rebounding without medical attention was greater than those who succumbed to a doctor's care (which meant, less people relied on a doctor and without incident).

Very few people went to the dentist. As a matter of fact, there was only one in the entire city and that was Doc Labine, who also doubled as the sports announcer.  Loose teeth were pulled by an older brother who tied a piece of string to the door knob and then slammed it with a certain amount of pleasure.  Occasionally a pair of pliers was used for a stubborn molar.  My mother used hot salt water to soak and cleanse our wounds, including a few drops to treat eye infections or clearing a stuffy nose.  A trip to the doctor was very rare and it had to be absolutely necessary; the fee was usually around $10.00. Today, with the high cost of health care, the only doctors we can afford to see are the ones on TV.   

I have listed a few random side effects from the most common drugs on the market today.  Secure yourself, its not a pretty picture. Inflammation of the stomach, loss of sight, temporary loss of breathing, insomnia, diarrhea, pain in extremities, difficulty swallowing, ulcerated stomach or esophagus, trouble concentrating, loss of memory and dry mouth.  Take a deep breath, it gets worse.  Swollen tongue, kidney problemsliver problems, trouble emptying your bladder, chest pain, seizure, muscle weaknessswollen glands, confusion, excessive bleeding or bruising and the worst imaginable side effect ever is that of anal seepage.  WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, stop right there!  Anal seepage?  No thank you!

There are three drugs that increase the warnings listed above. They were treatments for arthritis, psoriasis, and a virus vaccine for children. Nothing too serious, right?  Hummmm, I don’t know about you, but I'll take all three conditions at the SAME TIME, before I want to experience any of these side effect. For me, its a no brainer!

Here are some simple remedies for the most common complaints:  
Insomnia: If you can’t sleep at night, maybe 5 cups of coffee and 6 caffeine drinks a day are not the best options for you, try switching to a sip of common sense.  Maybe you could ask your spouse to explain their job responsibilities, you’ll find yourself asleep in no time. Another recommendation is to read the scriptures, you'll drift into a peaceful slumber and be blessed for having done so. 

Stiffness and joint pain: Check out the birthdate on your drivers license, you may just be old and decrepit.  Then try walking for a change, it increases endorphin levels, raises the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, burns calories and provides a healthy dose of vitamin D.  Honestly, its much better to gaze into the open sky than to sit around staring at your dusty feet.  

Anxiety: Get up, get out and get busy. Anxiety is brought on by a chemical change that occurs in the body, usually induced by stress. The best way to eliminate anxiety is to do something kind for someone else (lose yourself in the service of others). It will lift your spirit and their's as well. 

Depression: Nordstrom, Macys, and TJmaxx! Take a trip to your favorite store, it's cheaper than seeing a therapist and you'll have something glamorous to hang in your closet!  Also, the lack of proper nutrition and trace minerals can render a person helpless.  Get plenty of rest, good nutrition, and remember that vitamins and trace minerals are essential. Also, develop an exercise routine, get off your tush. Strive to eliminate the negative influences in your life. You may need to choose new friends or keep the negative family members at a distance.  

Constipation: Open all your bills at once, that should do it!  If that doesn't work, drink more water and increase your fiber intake. Soluble and insoluble fiber are the keys to a healthy intestine.  No hemorrhoids here!

Head aches: Take two Twinkies and call me in the morning.  Seriously, most headaches are caused from dehydration. Drink plenty of water and stay away from people who are a pain in the you know what! 

Remember, LAUGHING is the best medicine in the world.  Surround yourself with people who love life and laughter, they are the antidote for misery.  

By Linda Sunmer Urza written for: onefineday11.blogspot.com

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