As women, we tend to take on far more than humanly possible and often punish ourselves for not completing the 110th item on our list in less than a twelve hour period.  I use to believe that everything began and ended with me.  Today, I remind myself that I am not Wonder Woman and the entire weight of the world does not rest upon my shoulders.

I believe as women we are much like trees in the forest.  Our long branches are continually reaching for the heavens while our strong roots, just beneath the soil, are hanging on for dear life!

For many years, I thought I was directly responsible for my actions, as well as the actions of my children, and their children throughout the eternities, but that's just not true.  I now have a much simpler understanding.  I know that I am only accountable for my actions and directly responsible for my own happiness.

I've learn many valuable lessons in life and I have incorporated a few simple rules to secure a more comfortable journey.  This self actualization has made a difference in my happiness and also in respect to how I treat others.  The first lesson applies when conflict is involved. I begin by asking myself this question, "Do I solve the problem, am I creating the problem or am I the problem?" Its important to be truthful with yourself.  In other words, I evaluate if I am standing on two feet or in hot water?  The answer to this question can disclose important information about oneself.

If you're constantly finding yourself in hot water, work harder to improve yourself and spend less time worrying about changing others.  You can't wish, plead, beg, borrow or command someone to change.  Change is a personal commitment that comes deep within an individual, but you can certainly strive daily to perfect your own life.  Learning how to solve problems quickly and effectively improves ones self respect and confidence.  Well balanced and happy people are exceptionally good at avoiding the pitfalls.

The second important lesson I learned is that the world will not rotate off its axis if I say, "NO THANK YOU" to someone's request.  Today I am free, I don't take on assignments that will strap me with burdens.  I don't attempt to solve anyone else's problems or take responsibility for anyone's happiness except my own; however, I will be a good listening ear for someone who needs an honest and loyal friend.

Experience and dedication have taught me that I can do anything in this lifetime, but 'today' I cannot do everything!  I have learned to know my limits and I desire to respect and preserve my own personal boundaries.

Thirdly, I strive to maintain three things: a wishbone (the dreams of what can become), a funny bone (not taking life too seriously) and a backbone (the commitment to stand in high places).  We are given one chance at life and how we choose to spend our time is our own personal crusade.  I have chosen to live life with a spiritual direction and purpose.  I have chosen to live life with the clearest intentions of bringing light, creativity, brilliance and joy into my surroundings.  I have chosen to live life with the confidence that even challenges and disappointments can eventually bring about success and happiness.

As women we are often like the trees in the forest.  Our tender influences stretch in every direction and we are constantly reaching for the sky.  Our branches are strong enough to hold those who desire to be lifted up.  The power of our presence can protect others from the harsh elements and provide great comfort to weary souls.  Our roots go deep into the soil to create a solid base and strong foundation.  The fruit that we bear is part of that great plan in the chain of life, and much like the trees in the forest, we stand tall enough to occasionally gaze into heavens.   Written by Linda Sumner Urza for

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