There are five things that you cannot recover in life: A stone after it's thrown, words after they are said, the occasion after it's missed, time after it's gone and a loved one after they die. Rule of thumb: Stones should only be used to build stronger foundations. Words should be given to others for the purpose of increase and not used to decrease. Making memories on special occasions is far more important than making money. Time has no value once it's been spent and love can only fulfill its true purpose when it's given away. 

In this life, I have found that its more rewarding to choose happiness. I want my life to be genuinely enriched, so I have chosen to walk away from drama and the people who create it. I have chosen to spend time surrounding myself with people who make me laugh and bring me joy. I have learned that its beneficial to forget about the bad and focus on the good things that life has in store. I love the people who treat me right and pray for the ones who don't. Life is way too short to be anything other than fantastic and when I fall down, I get right back up and start living this beautiful gift that I was given.   

Little things matter, so make them count and they will add up to big dividends. Tell someone you love them, give a gift for no reason, send flowers just because, smile at a stranger, give a complement, or just hum an old tune and be grateful that you still remember the melody. Life is a beautiful gift and it's the only gift that keeps on giving regardless of the circumstances. We do not stop playing because we are old, we grow old because we stop playing. By Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.     

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