Enlightenment of The Indigo Children

Have you noticed lately how many noble spirits are inhabiting the earth?  They are children who possess excellent gifts and qualities!  They are born with an angelic countenance that surrounds them and their presences emulates that of peace and harmony.  

The pure in heart are raising the levels of consciousness and these enlightened souls are flooding the world with their profound energy! 

When in their presence; the world becomes a better place and peace and hope abound.  There are millions of enlightened spirits coming to earth.  

I have chosen to share three remarkable “little beings with brilliant souls” and when you look deep into their eyes - their magnificent light surpasses that of greatness.
They are called the Indigo Children and they proclaim their gifts are from the Heavenly Being.  They are those who recognize their extraordinary abilities and give credit to a higher authority than what is present in this life.  They are refined and elegant; bringing an awareness to the world that we are all powerful within our own light. 

The ten year old child prodigy, Jackie Evancho, (from America’s Got Talent) who has the voice of an angel has stated on Oprah, "My talent was given to me by God and each day I thank him for this gift."  The brilliance of her distinguished countenance is surrounding her and the beauty from within is clearly visible to the human eye.  Please watch as her innocent spirit emulate the light from within. 

The young, Akiane Kramarik, is another prodigy child who began sketching when she was only four years old.  Three years later her gifted talents were known around the globe and her artistic abilities are praised as a natural phenomena.  She has shared her remarkable story on CNN, ABC, Oprah, and around the globe.  

The intrigue comes not only from her rare talents, but the fact that she exposed her atheist parent to the existence of a God, at such a young age.  (Akiane had never been outside the perimeters of her home for any formal training.)  At the age of four, she began to express her feelings about her innate abilities to her parents and changed their lives forever.  Akiane’s paintings reflect upon a preexistence called Heaven, where she remembers living with her friend, Jesus.  When her parents inquired where she had learned these things, Akiane, explained that God had revealed them to her. 

Ethan Bortnick, is the renowned child prodigy who started playing the piano at the age of three.  His parents recognized his extraordinary ability through the sounds coming from a plastic toy piano that had only fourteen keys!   Today, he is the ripe old age of six.  Ethan has memorized over 200 piano pieces and is performing all over the world.  His light and energy is impossible to extinguish or contain and it overflows into the lives of everyone in his presence!

It is said that, “Out of the mouths of babes...”   These little ones are proclaiming that there is a light more brilliant than that of the noon day sun and they give credit to that higher source... "who was, and is, and yet to come"!  It’s impossible to look upon their faces and not witness a greater purpose being preformed. 
Have we forgotten who we are?  I think not!  However, it's easy to become distracted by the worldly noises taking place around us that will tarnish the inner glow.  There are those who hide their gifts underneath the rubble of a world that strives to dictate what they are to become.  

We are all children of light and energy with unlimited potential!  Everyone has a divine purpose and a responsibility to make this world a better place in which to live.  This starts by constantly striving to acknowledging ones excellence, by living within that inherent light and by giving thanks to the Master of our destiny. 

by, Linda Sumner Urza, One fine day.


  1. It's inspiring to know we all have gifts! I'm at retirement age (when 94% shut down) but I'm at the beginning of a new career. I am finding talents that were dormant for years. We are all gifted and sometimes we are so preoccupied with what's going on around, that we fail to look inside. Every person on earth has many, many gifts and talents to offer, one of the greatest is the capacity to love or give service to others. There are those who raise awareness for the love of animals or teach us to make conscious food choices... we are a remarkable people!

  2. My sister, Libby, recently started painting at the age of 65, she has never painted or drawn much of anything her entire life! She took a class and after one year, her work is stellar and I can't believe I have a sister who can produce such beautiful masterpieces and you know what... she can hardly believe it herself! The key is to never stop growing...
