Beyond The Veil.

Joseph Dunninger wrote the words, “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice.”  This statement is true; for faith proceeds miracles and miracles surround us daily when we choose to be open to the possibilities.
I started to write a blog entry every day this week.  Usually the subject matter flows quite easily, but I have struggled for four days with each attempt... this is the blog entry I am suppose to write.   
This Monday morning (November 1) I had an experience where the veil was lifted for a brief moment and I was permitted to see beyond this life and into the next.  This is not my first encounter with a glimpse into the spirit world and I am not certain why I am permitted to see where the two dimensions coincide. 
It’s been difficult this week to concentrate on anything other than this remarkable experience which opened the floodgates to similar events.  I feel strongly impressed to share this entry and I can’t seem to move forward with this blog until I do.  Regardless of your reason for reading this information, please remember that nothing in this life happens by chance or accident and ponder over why you have stumbled upon it today. 
Please step outside of everything you know about this world and into the inner self.  Who are you?  I literally mean for you to search deep inside the center of your soul where all the secrets are kept, until you find that inner child and true persona that lives within the core of your being.  That spirit person is you, the real you... and that spirit entity is briefly inhabiting the physical form of your body until death do you part.
It is true that only you can define who you are, but may I suggest whom you are not.  You are not your clothing, your home, your family, your friends or your financial status. While those things surround you and certainly are a part of daily life, they are not who you are as an entity.  When all the physical forms are stripped away, there lies the spirit and the true identity or inhabitant of the body.  Underneath the layers of flesh and bones dwells a soul; a separate entity from the physical body.  For reason I do not fully understand, I have been allowed to experiences the spirit body without the presence of a physical body and I will convey two experiences to the best of my ability.
Even as a small child I had secretly feared death.  It was the final chapter of the last frontier!  I truly believed we could reverse and change every direction or aspect of our lives, except when death was present.  In most instances, death only comes calling once and no one can escape the final day of reckoning!
Several years ago, I was admitted to the American Fork Hospital with a life threatening miscarriage.  When I arrived, I was near death and I remembered seeing several doctors and nurses surrounding me as my life hung in the balance.  I could feel the intensity in the room and the nature of seriousness, but deep inside the core of my being there was serenity.  
My condition began to stabilize after receiving several blood transfusions and I struggled to regain my strength.  I was taken to a private room across from the nurses station and I lay awake for several hours listening to the rhythm of the machines surrounding my bed.  The nurse came in periodically to check the needles placed in my arms and reassure me that everything was fine.  
There was a window beside my bed and I remember looking out into the blue sky, admiring the brilliant color and pondering over the millions of prayers that pass through the Heavens daily, including mine.  Suddenly, I started losing my physical strength and I felt myself slipping past the connection where the spirit and body intersect.  It was a pleasant and euphoric sensation of softly falling and I was caught up in the tranquillity of this new experience.  At that very moment I heard a familiar voice and I recognized it as the voice of my father who had passed away eleven years earlier.  He instructed me to call for help immediately and warned me there was not much time.  I called out with what little physical strength I had left, but within a few seconds my faculties shut down and I was no longer physically capable.
My spirit had slipped outside of my physical body and I watched the events as they took place from another space in the room.  I was standing in my spirit form when I observed my physical body laying on the bed, it looked strange to me and almost unrecognizable without the light of my spirit. 
This experience, however, felt perfectly normal and I wasn’t frightened or alarmed in anyway.  I watched with great intrigue, but from another dimension as my physician, Dr. Bell and the nurses began to administer to me.  The doctor looked at the monitor and in a shocking tone, he announced my blood pressure was 30/20 and then it flatlined.   Dr. Bell ordered the nurses to transfer me across to ICU immediately.
I was standing by the head of the hospital bed and followed as they quickly wheeled my body down a long hallway into ICU.  I calmly observed everything taking place and my entire being was filled with peace and tranquility; fear was not even a consideration.  I was in a divine place where a higher authority reigned and I watched as the doctors assisted in sustaining my life, but I witnessed the greater power prevail. 
I stood outside my body watching a team of professionals work frantically to restore my life and I was given the complete knowledge it was forthcoming.  My spirit was enlightened with the knowledge that death is only a transition and it was inherently clear that I would be going back into my body.  Within the blink of an eye my spirit shifted and I found myself instantly reconnected with a weak and frail physical existence.  I was both physically and spiritually alive, but the child I had carried for seven months had died during the ordeal and she had left our presence to reside in a much better place than this world.  A few days later, I left the hospital with empty arms, an aching heart, and an overwhelming burden of sorrow that cannot be expressed with words. 
A few weeks passed when I returned to the office of Dr. Bell’s for a follow up visit.  He confided in me that I was the first patient that died while in his care and he confessed it was a miracle that I lived considering the critical circumstances.  Then he read my medical report to me and it seemed surreal to hear his words.  I had escaped the one thing I fear the most and had come to realize that it’s not the sting of death that is to be feared, but being the one that is left behind, bereaving the profound absence.  
This Monday I had another experience that broadened my spiritual perspective.  My mother passed away over twenty years ago and lately I have felt an urgency to work on my family genealogy.  I won’t go into details because of the sacred nature of this experience, but there was another woman in the room assisting me with this work.  
I was sitting in a chair and the woman was not more than a foot away from me when my mother appeared in the room.  I recognized her spirit as it entered the room and her countenance was brilliantly profound and powerful.  I was taken aback when the other woman looked at me with tears streaming down her face and said, “Your mother is here, she is here!”  
I don’t understand why the veil was lifted and I was permitted to see my mother and I was very impressed that another person was allowed to witness a part of my vision. This woman was filled with gratitude for this experience and I was humbled to know that my mother is still very connected to me and is watching over my life. 
There are many things in this life that I do not know and several things I question, but I know without any doubt that there is life after death.  It is sweet and peaceful and fear does not reside there.  I understand that those whom have passed beyond the veil in this life are still connected to those living upon the earth as their fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and children.  My mother brought me a sweet messages and I understand why she was permitted to cross over the veil.
I have learned many important promises throughout my lifetime, but none as profound as these two statements; it’s impossible to see what you are not looking for and believing is truly seeing.  There is no death, for the definition of death is the end of life, but there is no end of life, only a new beginning. 
by, Linda Sumner Urza, One Fine Day


  1. Linda,
    We have some dear friends who lost their daughter and daughter-in-law while vacationing in Hawaii two years ago. They were visiting Queen's Bath on Kilauea in Hawaii when a huge wave swept both women off the rocks and to their death as two children, mother, father and husband watched in horror. Jason jumped into the water trying to save his wife and sister however he was bashed against the rocks by the surf sustaining multiple cuts and injuries. He is in top condition but was lucky to survive and save himself.

    This event shattered their lives and we have struggled to help them regain their footing. I can tell you my daughter was very close to their daughter and they talk on ocassion. I cannot know how real this is but I know our friends would get comfort in your story. So, I will share it with them. Thank you for writing it. Bill Mortimore

  2. Bill,
    I was very sad to hear about your friends. Bad things happen to good people and sometimes these experiences are unbearable. I hesitated to share these tender moments - they are very sacred to me, but I realized after 4 days of not being able to write a paragraph on anything... that something was not right. I went to the source and asked if it would be alright to share. I felt impressed to write down my accounts and it flowed from my heart. I know our loved ones are here and they surround us continually, it is their stewardship to comfort and guide us and we will be together again.

  3. I remember when you had this dear sweet baby girl way too early. While I knew you had serious complications I did not know about your near death experience. I truly hope that your " peek" beyond the veil provides you with some comfort and peace. You know, I try so hard to feel my dad's presence since he died in April. I miss him so him so much. I believe we can "feel" and be comforted by those who have gone before us---but I just can't seem to "find" him. I could really use him right now--I need him to know I love him and miss him. I want to know that he agrees with some of the decisions I have had to make. I want to knowthat he is " watching" me and knows what is going on in my life. Is this asking too much? I believe other people experiene these things and I long to know them for myself. Any ideas or suggestions?

  4. Kim, I have no doubts that he is watching over you. The week my dad died the missionaries walked through the door ( while I was at work) I joined the church shortly thereafter and received a blessing that my dad is constantly watching over his family. I asked about this and it was explained, "parents who pass beyond the veil are immensely concerned about their children and their children's happiness and well being. Sometimes, you may feel a prompting or perhaps good thoughts pass through your mind and wonder where that came from... don't wonder anymore." I had many great and wonderful talks with your dad and he was one of my choicest friends. He told me many time that his girls were his life and said he didn't know that love could be so powerful. Kim, he's not far away, ever! He's a thought away from your presence. God said love is eternal... and I believe Him!
